Chapter 11

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"Eri, you've been quiet this morning." Ushijima says as we sit down at a lunch table. "Was the intercourse unpleasant?" He frowns, making me quickly shake my head, eyes widening.

"No! No, no. Please don't think that. It was nice. More than nice. It was great." I reassure him, laughing. "I'm just a bit shy...I don't know. Sorry. Every time I look at you I remember and I get shy." I can feel my cheeks heating up so I look down.

"Oh, I'm pleased to hear you enjoyed it. I did as well. To borrow one of Tendou's phrases, I'm on top of the world." He smiles at me. "Should we do it again?"

Why is he so nonchalant about this? I'm literally freaking out on the inside I don't even know how to respond to that...

"Hey guys." I hear Hana's voice and I silently thank god.

"Hi." I smile as she sits next to me and Tendou sits next to Ushijima.

"Are you feeling any better?" Tendou asks. "You look happier."

To be honest, I am not doing better at all. I'm completely on edge and I'm trying my best not to go spiraling down that dark abyss that's been calling my name ever since I got the news.

Being with Ushijima, though, is probably the only thing keeping that from happening.

"Yeah." I smile at him from across the table. "I'm actually feeling a lot better. Wakatoshi has been really supportive, and I know you two have been as well. So I'm happy." I say and Hana hugs me from the side.

"We love you, you know that?" She says and I lean into her.

"I know." I chuckle.

"Anyways," she looks at me. "First name basis now? What happened?" She laughs and I look at her. I bite my lip, not able to contain my smile or my blush.

"Shut up." She gasps. "Shut up!" She hits my shoulder and I laugh.

"Tendou...your girlfriend is really aggressive." I hear Ushijima say and I laugh.

"Be quiet." I put a finger to Hana's lips and she throws her arms around me.

"Oh my god. My innocent baby isn't innocent anymore. You're not pure. You've been deflowered. Your cherry has been popped. You-"

"Okay. Thank you very much for that." I cut her off, pushing her away and laughing.

"How was it? It hurt didn't it? Was it even comfortable? My first time was not comfortable at all. I literally wanted to cry-"

"Eri, it wasn't pleasant?" Ushijima cuts her off, a frown on his face. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"That's no-"

"Girls don't like to admit that kind of thing, Wakatoshi-Kun." Tendou cuts me off.

"I didn't thi-"

"Now I'm not feeling so well. I'll never have intercourse again." Ushijima sighs, crossing his arms.


"Ushijima-San, it's just the first time. She'll be fine after that." I'm getting annoyed. I can't even say anything without being cut off.

"Everyone please just be quiet!" I say, and the three of them look at me.

"Eri, please tell me-"

"Listen to me." I huff out a breath. "It hurt like hell, yes. But not the entire time. When it stopped hurting it was very pleasant. God, I don't want to talk about this anymore." I groan, closing my eyes and rubbing my face.

"I hurt my baby." I hear before my hands are being engulfed by someone else's. I open my eyes to see Ushijima holding my hands, frowning.

"Oh my god. Satori, look how cute." Hana gushes.

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