Chapter 4

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(Date outfit above. I literally could not find any outfits I thought were good for this chapter so I gave up lmao. This outfit isn't bad but I don't like the big ass fluffy jacket so we will ignore it!!!)

                                  Day Three


"So, how is everything? According to plan?" Tendou asks me as we walk towards Sasaki's place. I take a moment to think about it.

"No, I kissed her too early. You said to kiss her today, but I did it yesterday because she was complimenting me. But I've been complimenting her too, like you said to." I respond, thinking about yesterday.

"Oh? You kissed her already? You must be eager!" Tendou gets in front of me, walking backwards so he can face me. "How did it feel?"

"How did it feel?" I frown, confused. "What do you mean? It felt like lips."

"No, Wakatoshi-Kun. How did you feel? Did you get butterflies in your stomach? Did you feel excited? Did you get excited?" He smirks and I stop walking, looking at my friend who must be out of his mind.

"Tendou, it is quite impossible to get bugs in your stomach just from kissing someone." I shake my head. "Maybe the only way possible is if she has an STD in her mouth?" I mentally gag at the thought.

"Wakatoshi-Kun." Tendou whines, he stopped walking as well. "I mean did you like it? Were you happy doing it?" I think about when I kissed her. Did I like it? I kissed her twice, and both times I felt the same as when I did before I kissed her.

"No, I don't think so. I only did it because you said so." I come to my conclusion and start to walk again, my best friend coming to my side.

"Eh? So my plan won't work after all. You are immune to a woman's charm huh?" Tendou kisses his teeth. "So you don't like her. Well, that's fine. There's plenty more girls in school we can try to set you up with."

"I won't be doing another dare like this. It's tiring, I don't want more strangers in my home." I sigh as we come in front of Sasaki's house.

"But they're pretty!" Tendou frowns and I shake my head.

"I think Sasaki is pretty. When she gets all embarrassed it's pretty cute. And the way she looks in my clothes." I picture the images from yesterday in my head. "But I don't like her like that."

"That's too bad, you're missing out on the world of love." Tendou gushes and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Tendou, you're single." I point out and he immediately starts to sulk.

"Don't remind me." He says sadly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I put a hand on his back to comfort him. Just then, Sasaki's front door opens and she waves at us.

"Act normal, Wakatoshi-Kun." Tendou stands up and waves.

"What? I'm always normal." I say, waving back.


I rush out of my house, quickly locking the door. The two boys had come earlier than I thought they would. I walk towards them, buttoning the front of my blazer.

"Good morning." I smile slightly at the two.

"Morning." They say in unison, and we start to walk.

"So? Did you guys sleep well last night?" Tendou asks, peeking at me from the other side of Ushijima.

"I did sleep pretty well, yes." Ushijima says and then looks down at me.

"I slept fine." I lie. I barely got any sleep. I kept thinking about Ushijima taking the towel off of me and our

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