Chapter 12

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(Hi, there's going to be a slightly steamy not detailed at all scene here, so you can skip until you see a line in the middle of the page. It won't be detailed but 🤷‍♀️)

"Hey" I hear a whisper. I groan and close my eyes tighter in hopes that I wouldn't hear the voice anymore. "Hey, Eri." But it comes again.

"5 more minutes." I mumble, attempting to move but I realize I'm trapped. My eyes fly open and I have to blink a couple times to adjust my eyesight.

It's Ushijima who's arms are around me. He's staring at me, and when I open my eyes he's giving me a small smile. He's naked.

I'm naked.

I blink at him for a moment, memories of last night flooding through my brain. Some parts are hazy, but for the most part I can put pieces together to remember what happened.

"Good morning baby." He says and start to blush at the endearment.

"Good morning." I whisper, and lean forward to peck his lips.

"You're so beautiful. I want to wake up to you like this everyday." There's something lacing his voice as he says this. I'm not sure what it is but it's not as monotone as it usually is.

"And you're so handsome, I'm going to keep you right here for as long as I can so I can get a good look at you." I grin and we both chuckle.

"Come here." He says and pulls me on top of him, even though I was already in his arms.

I giggle, smiling at him before leaning down and pressing our lips together. Almost immediately after, I feel something hard against me. I quickly pull away out of shock and look down at him.

" that?" I bite my lip, blushing like crazy by the end of my incomplete sentence.

"S-Sorry." He looks away. I have never heard him stutter before. "Let me up, I'll go to the bathroom. I'm sorry." He says and starts to push me off of him.

I grab his hands to stop him and smirk, literally nothing going through my head except for him.

"Why are you apologizing?" I tilt my head. "You took care of me last night. Now, let me take care of you." I grin, crashing my lips against his once again.

And so I did. Trying to be quiet was the hardest thing to do.

However...being on top of Ushijima while it happened gave me the prettiest view I've ever seen in my life.

Towards the end, as I'm riding him and we're both heading towards the edge, he mutters something that's so quiet it was almost inaudible.

"Eri." His grip on my waist tightens. "I'm close."

"I-I know." I place my hands on his chest and look at his face. I love the way he looks like this. Both of us are a complete mess, yet he's so beautiful. And I'm the one who gets to do this to him. "Me too"

The first time we had sex, Ushijima said he wanted to come at the same time. Even last night I can remember him suggesting it, so right now will be no exception.

I feel it coming, and I start to go faster- desperate to feel the overwhelming amount of pleasure Ushijima can give me.

"Fuck." I hear his groan and I go absolutely insane. "Eri" He grabs my hands off of his chest and lace our fingers together, putting them on either side of his head and making me hover over him now.

He does this when he's about to come, I notice. I'm pretty sure it's because he wants to see my face as I do, and to kiss me right after. That's how he is, and I love it.

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