Chapter 5

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(The way I'm making Sasaki like Ushijima more and more, not even knowing wth going AWNNNN, I love it.)

                                    Day Four

I walk into school once again, hand in hand with Ushijima. Tendou walks on the opposite side of him, and they've been talking almost the whole time amongst themselves. I don't mind though, I don't really have anything to say.

"You guys don't need to walk me to class, today." I stop in the hall, and both boys look at me.

"Why not?" Tendou frowns. "I want to see your friend." He gets happy again and I chuckle.

"I need to talk to Goshiki." I reply and Ushijima frowns. I swear his hand tightens around mine just slightly.

"Why?" He asks and Tendou smirks.

"Yeah, what business do you have with a first year?" He grins and I bite my lip.

"Um...nothing?" I lie and Ushijima starts walking again, forcing me to walk with him, and of course Tendou follows.

"Where are we going?" I ask and Ushijima doesn't look at me as he answers.

"Goshiki's classroom so you can talk to him." He says and soon enough, we pull up to his classroom and walk in.

Almost immediately, all attention is on us.

"Goshiki, Sasaki needs to talk to you." Ushijima points at me.

"O-Oh..." He looks at us, wide eyed and then stands up quickly. He bows before we all walk out of the room.

"What can I help with?" He looks at me and then I look awkwardly at Tendou and Ushijima.

"Oh Wakatoshi-Kun, come here for a second I need to talk to you." Tendou winks at me before pulling away Ushijima.

"I need your help, as a surprise for Ushijima-Kun's birthday." I look at Goshiki. "I don't know any of the boys on the team, and I don't really know you and I apologize for bothering you like this. But you're the only one I can trust right now." I bite my lip, clasping my hands behind my back.

I see the younger, but taller, boy's eyes widen and he quickly bows again.

"I will do anything to help!" He stands back up and I smile.

"Really? Thanks!" I say and then quietly tell him the plan. We walk back to his desk and I stealthily sneak him something before quickly walking out.

"Thanks again!" I call to him before stepping out. Ushijima and Tendou were already rushing back, probably to see what was going on.

"So what happened?" Tendou asks and I tilt my head, feigning innocence.

"What do you mean?" I ask and they both frown.

"We'll get it out of him at practice." Ushijima looks at Tendou and they both nod at each other.

"Wait, no." I hold my hands out in front of myself. "Please don't do that. It's a surprise." I frown and the two look at me, one with a blank expression and the other with their mouth shaped like an o.

"Alright, we won't press it anymore then." Tendou nods. "Now let's go see your friend!" He grins, grabbing both of our hands and making us run to my classroom.

"Eri!" Hana throws her hands up in the air when I walk in. Her eyes widen as the two boys walk in after me. "Tendou-Kun." She blushes, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Can she see me?" Ushijima asks seriously.

"S-Sorry Ushijima-Kun." Hana stands up, bowing to him.

Tendou and Hana talk for a moment before the two boys leave. I sit in my seat, and Hana looks like she's in a daze. I ignore my classmate's whispers and stares as I wave a hand in front of her face.

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