Chapter 1: Your Fate

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(no smut, just the setup! don't know if anyone will read this but if so, hi & thanks so much!)

As you walked along the peaceful gardens of Hyakkaou Private Academy, you listened to the sweet song of the birds and quiet chatter of other students. The bell began to ring, signaling school had five minutes until it began.

"Oh shit." You say to yourself, realizing you forgot to speak with President Momobami before class, like she told you to.

"I guess I have to apologize later. Or maybe right now? Okay okay what if I-"
Your thoughts were interrupted by a small girl with a large orange sweatshirt grabbing you by your skirt, almost pulling it down completely.

"Uh oh, L/N, I think you forgot to do something today." The small girl said with a wide grin spread across her face.

You turn around fully to look at her.

"Ummmm..." you say, trying to play it off "I'm sorry, but what exactly did I forget, Runa?"

Runa smiled up at you, still tightly holding onto your skirt.

"The President wants to see you now, to decide your punishment."

Runa, still holding you by your skirt, dragged you out of the gardens and into the hallway of the right wing of the school.

"HEY HEY CAN YOU MAYBE LET GO OF ME!?" You yelled at the small girl, attracting even more attention than you were already getting.

"Not until we get to the President's office, future pet."

Her last words stung.
"Future pet." You still didn't think it could be happening. Just last week you had lost a game against the terrifying and alluring beautification officer, Midari Ikishima. You had refused to play her freaky gun game, and offered to play cards instead. She somehow agreed, but ended up winning ¥100 million. That was enough to make you a house pet alright, but Kirari offered to meet with you and decide what to do...but you forgot that. And now probably had to become a pet for life.

Lost in your thoughts, you hadn't even realized you were in Kirari's office until you felt a cold chill down your spine, and there she was, with her piercing eyes...President Momobami. But she wasn't alone.


The girl who had beat you, Midari Ikishima was sitting at Momobami's right. Her legs casually laying on the great mahogany table. Revealing her black laced underwear to you and Runa. She noticed you staring and winked, making your face flash red.

"Fuck" you thought "I'm supposed to hate her, i can't be thinking about...other things."

But Midari was thinking of other things too. You noticed she was staring you down, and you quickly remembered Runa still had a tight grip on your skirt, revealing your underwear to Midari. You could see a slight grin across her face.

"I think I'm going to have fun with her." Midari mumbled, turning away from you and facing Momobami.

"What?" You thought, trying to not make yourself seem too flustered.

" F/N L/N." Kirari said in her strong yet light voice. "You've ignored my offer to help you. Why is that?"

Before you could let a word out, Kirari spoke again.

"I have no choice but to give you the ultimate punishment."

You gulped, knowing what was going to happen.

"You will become..."

Oh it is...

"Ikishima san's pet."

You looked up, stunned.

You were in a trance.
"I have to follow the orders of the one who beat me? She now will control my entire life?" You thought to yourself, barely able to understand. You had known you would become a pet, but you wouldn't just be cleaning up after other students or occasionally beat up. You would be in the freaks' full control?

You were torn from your trance when Runa let go of you, you could hear her laughing. You felt a cold hand on your arm. It was Kirari.

"L/N, I leave your life in her hands, because you failed to trust me with yours. I will leave you two to discuss your arrangement."

Kirari let go of your arm and left the room, Runa got up off the floor and quickly followed her. Looking up from your feet, you saw Midari. She was still sitting at the table, closely eyeing you.

"I-I guess we have to discuss what I will do for you." You say, so quiet you could barely hear yourself.

"Sit." Midari said, softly. It wasn't her usual voice. It seemed kind and... pitiful maybe?

You slowly walked over to where she was, and pulled out the chair next to her. She took her legs off the table and faced her chair towards you so you both were looking at each other.

Midari reached over and slightly touched the top of your hand.
"I know what it's like Y/N." She said, seeing that you flinched a bit when you felt her skin on yours. She continued.

"You feel nothing right now, or maybe shock, or fear, whatever it is. I know what it's like."

You looked down at your hands, which were now completely enveloped by hers. She let go of you and placed her right hand on your cheek.

"I persuaded Kirari to let me have you, because I knew what she would do if I didn't. It's fucking stupid and I know I'm not the easiest to deal with. But I don't want to make your life miserable, I think you're like me."

You looked up at her, eyes now watering. She pulled you closer to her and you could feel your heart beating faster. Your faces were so close. So close you could feel her breath. So close maybe you could-

Midari pulled away.
"You never have to do anything you don't want to, Y/N. You're only mine on a stupid document. Got it? I'll be at my house if you need anything."
Midari pulled away from you, placing a piece of paper in your hand, you read her address in bold red ink.


Midari exited the room, leaving you staring at her empty seat, still tightly gripping your own hands, as if hers were still there.


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