Chapter 3 - I'll protect you

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Kylo had caught you just in time. He was behind you and immediately saw you were about to fall. He caught you and ran across all the castle. He passed next to the king and said "I'm sorry your majesty but my girl passed out and I don't know why. I have to take her back to the Finalizer. I'll come back another time!" The king was a good man and nodded "Don't worry Supreme Leader, just take care of her"

You woke up to an extremely bright light. You grunted. Then you felt someone next to your bed, you turned and concentrated on the figure, trying to focus your sight since it was blurred.

"Commander, you're finally awake. How do you feel?". It was a medical droid, it was gently touching your wrist to check your heartbeat. You sat up and looked around. You were back in the Finalizer. Kylo must have brought you there after you had passed out. But he wasn't there. Why wasn't he near you?
"Quite nauseous" you said putting your hair behind your ears. "I don't know what happend, I just felt weak and my head was spinning."
"Don't worry m'am, it's normal in your condition."
You were relieved, but then you asked "wait, what condition are you talking about?". The droid turned to you and said "m'am, you are pregnant "
Your jaw dropped. You couldn't believe it.

You put your hands on your stomach and caressed it. Inside you there was life, there was a baby and it was Kylo's. You felt tears of joy filling your eyes. You had to tell Kylo.

"May I go doctor?" The droid nodded. You got up and walked out.
You started to look for him with the Force.
"Kylo, where are you? I have to talk to you. Now."
"Y/n... stay there, I'm coming to you."
You waited for a few minutes and then there he was. Kylo looked at you worried and as he saw that what you had to tell him was serious and important his stomach twirled.
"Let's go in our rooms..."

As soon as you got there Kylo immediately started to talk "Love I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't take care of you enough, please give me another chance, don't leave me, I can't live without you... I love you Y/n.. I don't wanna loose you. I'll do better, I-"
You interrupted him. "Kylo, don't worry. It's not what you think. I have to tell you something else. I'll never leave you alone my love, I'm crazy in love with you."
He smiled and walked to you, then he leaned down and brushed his lips against yours.
"Then what is it?"

"Kylo... I'm pregnant..."

The helmet he had in his hand fell on the floor and his mouth opened in shock. He froze and looked at you. You laughed, he looked adorable. You were able to stop with one word the First Order Supreme Leader that not even entire armies could stop.

You cupped your hand on his cheek brushing your thumb against his scar. Then you felt something wet on your finger. Tears. His deep brown eyes were full of tears. He started sobbing, put his hand on the back of your head and pulled you into a hug. He laughed a little between sobs.

"Are you happy? Are those happy tears?" You asked with a loving smile on your face. His trembling lips turned upwards and he nodded. "Y/n... I'm the happiest man in the galaxy. I can't believe we're gonna be parents... I can't believe I deserve this happiness after everything I've done in the past. You are the best gift life has ever given me. I love you more than I'll ever be able to explain.. both of you ". Now tears were flowing from your eyes too. "We love you too Kylo...". He kissed you passionately and caressed your stomach. He was almost sure he had felt the baby inside you.

"I swear I'll protect you at all costs... forever"

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