Chapter 5 - the ambush

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"Kylo what's happening?!"
"Something's wrong. Run to the bedroom and lock the door. Please Y/n, the knights and I can deal with this. Just get safe ok? Please... I don't want to loose you... both of you." You gave him a quick kiss and nodded. He lead you outside and then walked away.

You ran to your private rooms, locked the main door and sat on the couch in the hall. You put your legs up and embraced them, laying your chin on your knees. You didn't want to listen to the noises coming from outside, that would've just made you worry even more for Kylo and the temptation to run out and protect him would've been too much.

You looked for him through the Force. You found him in one of the lower decks. He was alone but as hewalked he was looking around suspiciously.
"Kylo, please stay safe... I'm so worried. I'm sorry for not being by your side "
"Don't be sorry love, you need to protect our child and I need to protect both of you" You smiled. Kylo loved you so much, he was so protective.

You continued to keep an eye on him.

He was standing in the middle of the big room, his breath coming out the helmet as robotic. Suddently blaster bullets started to fly around the room trying to shot him, but he managed to evitate them. Then bandits came out from the dark corners of the room and surrounded him. You couldn't understand how they could have managed to stay hidden there. They had been clearly waiting for Kylo. They were silent and he was too. They pointed their weapons at him and you put a hand on your mouth and one on your stomach and said "Hey ... don't worry, your dad is the most powerful man in the galaxy, he will be fine" but you didn't believe it too much.

"Stars Kylo... please don't get hurt... What do they want from you? Please run away..."  you were terrified. They were too many for Kylo to kill them all. The only option he had was escaping.

He was trying to keep calm but in the inside he didn't know what to do. He was breathing heavily trying to think of a solution.

You took your attention off him and started thinking. You were walking around the room when your eyes were caught by a communicator on the table.
You only acted by instinct.

Then through the Force you heard bullets. You couldn't even breath, fear made you shiver. But then you came battle screams and saw Kylo point his weapon at the bandits' boss and the Knights of Ren you had sent to help him were already there.
You smiled in relief.

It took a bunch of minutes for Kylo to come back to you. You hugged him tightly and buried your face in his chest. He pulled you close to him and layed his chin on top of your head.

"You saved my life love..."
"I could have done much better if I were there with you... fortunately the Knights were ready in no time"
"You never stop surprising me. I love you so much"
"I love you too Kylo. Anyway what did those bandits want?"
"That's the problem... They were bounty hunters"
"And were they looking for you?"
"I have no idea"

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