Chapter 7 - surprise

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"Kylo... what do you think Leia did after the battle?"

You were laying in the bed cuddling.

"I dunno... and honestly I don't care. I just need you and our baby, everything else is irrelevant to me"

"Even the First Order?" You said mockingly. "Even the First Order " he said with nonchalance

"Even your helmet?" You said even more mockingly and raising your eyebrows. He held you tighter, swolled his cheeks like a baby and said in a tiny voice "Umpf... I like my helmet...". He was so adorable. You pulled him into a kiss and ran your hands on his bare chest, tracing every muscle line. He was so handsome.

Kylo stood up and started to dress back up "I need to go check on that-" you didn't let him finish the sentence and concluded "ginger idiot". You smiled to each other. "Don't be too cruel with him... " you said helping him lacing his cloak. He sighed "No promises..."

Then he headed out and since you were alone you sat on the floor in the hall to meditate. It helped you relax and relieve pregnancy sickness. You didn't know how much time had passed but suddently you heard a knock on the door. You wondered who that could be.

You went in front of the door and it slid open to reveal Kylo. He was smiling and his eyes were sparkling. He took your hand in his and started to lead you down the hallway. You didn't ask anything, you were sure he had a reason for this.

He dragged you to a dark room. You couldn't see anything there was inside. Kylo slowly lead you through the dark, then you didn't feel his hand anymore. You didn't understand.

Then some little lights started to enlight the room and you saw Kylo in front of you. He wasn't wearing his helmet and his eyes were sparkling. He was smiling as he spoke "Y/n... I thought. Since the first day I've been fallin' more and more in love with you, you've become the most important thing I have and I love you endlessly, with all my body and soul. We've been through a lot and I'm sure we'll be again, but that's not a problem for me if I have you by my side. I am the Supreme Leader of the First Order and you are the Commander, we are fighting for a peaceful and united galaxy, a place where our kids will live without fear and wars. But every goal I have is nothing compared to this one I'm trying to achieve today... Y/n... my love... will you make me the happiest and luckiest man in the galaxy by becoming my wife?"

You gasped, your eyes filled with tears as you saw him taking out a velvet box and opening it to reveal a wonderful diamond ring. You couldn't even speak because of the happiness.
"Y/n will you marry me?"

You took his other hand and made him stand in front of you, then you pulled his cloak and crashed your lips against his, putting your arms around his neck. He grabbed your waist with one arm and lifted you a bit so that you were at his same height. You were crying and smiling, he was atonished by your beauty and when you said "Yes" neither the great Kylo Ren could stop tears from flowing down his cheeks. He smiled, put the ring on your finger and brought you into another kiss.

He had found happiness.

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