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Brooklyn, New York May 2014

Chanel's POV

We walked in and heard the door beep letting the store know people were coming through the door. They were playing A$AP Rocky.

We walked over to the wall that was full of shoes.

"You need to get these." Joey said picking up a pair of red timbs.

I took them from his hand and examined them. They was lit.

"Yeah, they hot and I need a hockey jersey." I said.

"You late as fuck." He said shaking his head.

"Shut up." I said laughing. "I have one its just more like a crop top."

"Yeah, okay." He said.

I told the person that worked there my size as we sat down.

"So, what you working on in the studio?" I asked.

"A little of this. A little of that." He said. 

I just looked at him.

"We should do something together." I said.

"That would be different." He said slowly.

It would be crazy different. Joey is 19 and a head to toe brooklyn nigga and raps like it. Me, I'm 16 and can't even curse on records yet.

"Yeah, maybe not." I said laughing.

"Yeah, I don't wanna mess up your image." He said. "Have Disney come look for my ass."

"Oh whatever. Shut up, I'm not with Disney." I said. "But after this we need to go to Peppa's."

"You gonna turn into a damn jerk chicken. You eat it every time we come out here." He said standing.

The lady came and he took the box and thanked her.

I already knew my size in Timbs so he held my box as I went through jerseys I wanted. I saw this biggie one and it was dope. We went to the register.

"That'll be 220.00." She said.

I reached in my pocket to get my card but before I could pull it out she was already saying thank you to Joey.

I looked over at him as she handed him my bag.

"Have a good day." She said.

"You too." I said as we were leaving out. 

We walked out the store and James was right there by the truck.

"James, the food place is just down the street. We gonna walk." I said.

He nodded and stayed a little distance behind us.

"Why you always buying my stuff?" I asked as we walked down Flatbush.

"Cause I'm a gentleman." He said.

"I'm sure." I said.

We finally made it to the spot without getting stopped. We ordered our food and decided to take it with us.

While we walked back we got stopped.

James stood in front of us.

"Nah, we good." Joey said.

We took pictures with these girls.

"Y'all together now?" One of them asked.

We laughed.

"Nah, we homies but have a good day." I said.

She waved and walked off. We walked back to the truck and drove towards Barclays.

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