First Date

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New York

Shawn's POV

I went to the hotel to pick up Bey. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit nervous. 

I got on the elevator and went to the room she told me she was in. I knocked and waited. The door finally opened and it was her dad.


"Hello Mr. Knowles."

He invited me in.

"Do you have your driver's license?" He asked.

"Yeah." I pulled it out and gave it to him.

He put it on a table and took a Polaroid picture of it. He gave it back to me.

"You know, just in case I have to come looking for you." He said.

I nodded.

Bey finally came out with a woman that looked exactly like her just older. I'm assuming it's her mom.

"Hey Shawn."

"Hey." I said. "You look nice."

"Thanks, this is my mom. Mom this is Shawn."

"Nice to meet you Shawn." She said and we shook hands.

"Nice to meet you too Mrs. Knowles." I said.

"No, you can call me Ms. Tina." She said.

"Okay, Ms. Tina." I said.

"Shawn, when will you have her back?" Mr. Knowles asked.

"I know she has to be at the studio by 8 so I'll drop her off there." I said.

"Alright." He said.

We finally left and I released a breath in the elevator I didn't know I was holding.

"You were that nervous?" She asked laughing.

"I guess." I said. "Your dad took a picture of my drivers license. In case he needed to look for me."

She laughed as we finally got off the elevator. The valet went to get my car.

"So where we going?" She asked. 

"Times square." I said. "Why not be a tourist."

"Okay, that's cool." She said.

We got in the car and I drove down town and parked my car in a garage. After that we did everything on foot. I had never really been to Times Square before. I used to stay in Brooklyn, then I moved out to Jersey and now I only come in the city for the studio or still be out in Brooklyn.

We went in all the different stores and bought stuff. I wanted her to get a hotdog from a vender.

"Come on Bey, I'm telling you. You've never had a better hot dog and I promise you won't get sick." I said.

She rolled her eyes but finally agreed. She took her first bite.


"It's really good." She said.

"See, I told you." I said as we walked some more.

I felt like since we been talking for months we knew a lot about each other. This didn't even feel like a first date and I'm glad about that. We've had no awkward moments so far.

"You ready for the Statue of Liberty?" I asked after we finished our hot dogs.

She nodded and that was our next destination. We finally got to the top and it was a crazy view.

"Wow." Bey said.

"I know." I said. "You can see everything."

"It's so beautiful." She said.

"Just like you." I said.

"Really? How cheesy of you." She said laughing.

"Yeah, but I'm not lying." I said. "Your beautiful Bey. I'm really feeling you."

She looked at me. I inched towards her and pecked her lips. Damn, first kiss for us. I pulled back and she opened her eyes.

"That was cool right? I mean I-"

She shut me up by kissing me this time. Let's see how advance Ms. Knowles is. I slipped my tongue in and she kissed like a pro. I pulled back.

"Well Ms. Knowles. I'm impressed." I said and we laughed.

"It's not that hard when you like someone." She said.

"So you feeling ya boy." I said smiling.

"You already knew that." She said.

I put my arm around her as we looked at the view.

"So what does this mean?" She asked.

"It means whatever you want it to mean." I said. "I know we busy but I'm feeling you a lot. You want a relationship?"

"Yeah but I don't wanna mess it up." She said.

"How about we keep doing what we doing. Add dates and kissing and we don't see nobody else but each other." I said.

"I can deal with that." She said.

I leaned in to kiss her again. Yeah, I can get used to this.

What y'all thinking? Did y'all think that was an aight first date?

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