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luna's pov:

lately,i have been so bored.
i don't know why i just feel like,everyday is
repeating over and over again.
me and gus were laying on his bed,he was
watching tv,i was looking at the tv just not
paying attention.
"you okay boo" gus said pulling me closer
to him "yeah just thinking"
"thinking of what" "life" i said "stop overthinking boo it will make your anxiety worse" he said holding my hand,i smiled at him. cutie.
"and its nearly your birthday soon" "yeah but
i hate my birthday its boring" i said looking
up at him "well this year it won't" he said.

i woke up and it was dark out,me and gus
must of fell asleep. well we obviously did.
i grab my phone at look at the time 4:23am.
thank god it's still late i want to sleep more,
i got comfy again and fell asleep.

i woke up and gus wasn't beside me,his
blinds were closed,so it was pretty dark in
his room. the space on the bed where he
layed was still warm,so he obviously just
got up. i grabbed my phone and looked at the
time 3:35pm,i was shocked how did i sleep
for that long i wasn't fucked up or drank
last night. i make myself get up and go try
find gus,i head straight towards the kitchen.
gus was on the couch and tracy was leaned
against the counter top. "morning" i said
"jesus luna put some clothes on"tracy said looking away, "oh shit sorry" i said grabbing
a blanket on the couch and putting it on me.
i only had one of gus's t shirts on,you could
literally see my whole legs. "how the fuck
did we sleep for that long" i said sitting beside
gus "i really don't know" he replied back.
"i bet you guys fucked so hard that's why"
"tracy no why would you say that"
gus was laughing is ass off, "well imma go
get dressed and leave because i look like
i just got run over with a car" "don't leave me"
gus said squeezing me. "bitch i smell bad let
me atleast get washed" i said "fine"
i kissed his cheek and walked back to gus's
room,i put on a pair of sweatpants and i still
have gus's t shirt on,i grab my things and
put them in my pocket. i see a thong on the
ground,i was looking for that finally.

"bye luna" tracy said walking away "bye trace"
"well this is were you leave me" gus said
"i'll be back,i just need to shower and get
ready" "can you bring some food back here"
"yeah what food" "anything but mcdonald's it's fucking nasty".
"okay bye" i said "wait wait wait gimme a kiss"
he said, i walked back over to him and kissed
him on the lips, "happy" i say "very" he smirked.

[ skip time ]

i went home,got a shower,got into a outfit and got done my makeup.
i was on the way to gus's,i just got us some
pizza because that's one of gus's favourite

i don't even knock on the door,i just walk in
because literally they rarely lock their door
they kinda have a problem doing that.
"i got pizzzaaa" i said walking into gus's room.
i look at him,his face was red,his eyes were
red,i could see tears fall from his eyes.
"gus" i walked over to him and hold him.
"i let everyone down" it broke my heart.
"gus you let no one down okay your trying to
be the best version of yourself and everyone
loves you,don't doubt yourself" i say
"look at me" his big brown eyes were so pretty
his eyes were red,he looked so sad i just want
to hug him forever and tell him he's the best
thing ever to exist. i kissed him on the lips
passionately,so he knows i meant it.
he wrapped his arms around me and layed down on the bed. "wait i still wanna eat the
pizza" he said opening the box. he's the
literal love of my life,a few months ago i
would not say that about gus. i get shit changes
for the good atleast.

sorry short chapter i'm mentally drained
and tired.
love u and thanks for reading <3

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