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I sat there on the old sofa staring into the fire for several long minutes. Numbing my mind to escape having to deal with my circumstance. I counted the screams as I heard them.

"Three.. four."

The last I heard was Ace's. His voice being carried from a distance. I thought for a second I might just lay down and try to let go of consciousness, but a crow had flown inside, squawking obnoxiously at me, unbudging as I shooed it. Stupid bird.

"The crows here are snitches." The voice came from the loft upstairs.

I looked up to see the woman from the campfire gazing down at me, one arm resting on the section of railing still intact.

"I'm Jane. What's your name?"
She spoke with nonchalance.

Caw! Caw! The crow echoed through the room.

"Hey, ditch the bird and come up here for a sec." She beckones me with one hand and then turned around.

The crow took a hop closer to me, tilted it's head sideways and, Caw!

I flapped an arm in its direction, but the bird didn't flinch. When I reached the top of the stairs I saw Jane bent over a chest, struggling to open it.

"Is that why you brought a key? To open the chest?" I felt like I was catching on.

She raised an eyebrow as she looked up at me and with her fist she made a solid thud against the front of the box, it popped open.

"This key," she pulled it from her left pocket, "opens the hatch."

A glimmer in her eyes, she stood resting her hands on her hips, further explaining this.. hatch.

"It's a secret way out for when.. uh mean if.. one of us dies." She slipped the key back in her pocket and clicked her teeth a couple times before clearing her throat and going on.

"You never asked what's in the box." Waving her hand down.

I stepped closer and peered inside.

"First aid?" The skeptical tone in my voice was unintentional, but reasonable.

"Take it." Her eyes glanncing at my left arm, a bled-through sweater barely tied on. "It doesn't seem that bad," she said, "You should only have to do a few stitches."

She must have noticed my jaw drop before I did. My face did not hide the terror very well at the thought of me doing my own stitch-work.

"Besides," she added real quick, "even if you botch it, once the trial is over, you won't have a scratch!"

She held up her pointer finger and tilted her hips. Ace's scream interrupted the moment, it came from outside somewhere close by.

"I need to get going. You stay and try to patch yourself up." Jane instructed, dusting off the front of her jeans.

She ran towards the back of the large loft where a shattered wall had created a dangerous ledge.

She jumped.

I scurried over to the opening in the wall and looked down to see her land in a sprint and run off to the right. I watched until the building blocked my line of sight.

It was strange, looking down I estimated at least a fifteen foot drop..

Into The Fog - Dead By Daylight Part 1Where stories live. Discover now