Chapter Thirteen

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** you guys are so lucky to have such a nice writer like me :) i felt like uploading some more of shh today ;D i also enjoy this chapter, but i prefer twelve, let me know what you think?thanks again everyone!**

Chapter Thirteen

                “Hey guys,” Jonah says, in a cheery voice – you don’t know how much this worries me, “So…” There’s a long, long awkward silence. In fact, to call it awkward is simply being generous. There was a gap in our conversation so wide that the whole planet could’ve fallen inside of it. It was like there is nothing to be said, no explanation needed, just keep your mouth shut and your eyes down – there is absolutely no way that you could climb out of a hole you’d dug this deep, do not even attempt.

            I am on the floor, covering my naked body with your best friend who’s-like-a-brother-of-yours’ shirt, and he is sitting across from me wearing nothing but boxer shorts – so explain that.

“No, we didn’t have sex,” I explain to myself, but when I say it out loud, I sound pretty stupid, “We just…kind of huddled together, purely for warmth. It’s not like we needed our clothes…”

Yes, lying really wasn’t for me.

            It’s all perfectly reasonable and logical in my head. Out loud, I sound like I’ve got no brain cells existing there, whatsoever.

“It’s not her fault,” Charlie attempts, but I don’t think Jonah is angry or even upset. He looks horrified, he’s standing at the door, afraid to step foot inside the room and looking at us as if we’re highly-contagious and diseased animals.

In Jonah’s mind, this was impossible. It could never happen – Charlie and Cassie; ‘Dude, are you kidding?’ would be his instant reaction. Not anymore.

            “So…” He starts again, “Who wants to explain why you’re both naked?” We stare at each other and blush, stifling laughter. I honestly feel like a naughty school girl, which makes the situation even more kinky, “Ok, this is just nasty. This is nasty! Cassie, you’ve known him for three days – I mean, I leave you alone for less than 24 hours and neither of you can keep your pants on! Come on!”

            “I-” I try to start but he cuts in, disgusted,

“You don’t see me sexing up Honey, do you?” And then he looks up to the sky, I think, ‘imagining it’, and then he smiles for a second, “Exactly.”

“Jonah,” I get up from the wall, “I’ve known him since kindergarten,”

“Oh, of course – and why didn’t I know about this?”

“Because she hated me,” Charlie answers for me, “Until the fire.” And then he gets up from the other side of the room.

“The fire?” Jonah asks, his eyes widening as the guilt spreads across his face, “You mean, the one I started?”

I come towards him and stretch my arm out across his shoulder; he bends so that I can stroke his curly hair, like I usually did when I comforted him, “You didn’t know,” I say, trying to make him feel better. He’s never forgiven himself for it. Jonah can bullshit me all he wants about it, but we both know that he will always blame himself,

“After the fire, I moved. When I moved back, we met again, but no surprise, I moved just after we’d met again, but when we did meet, we fell in love,” He explains, looking at me for reassurance with those doting green eyes; I look back at him with the same gaze, “You see, on the night of the fire, when you made that choice to save Alex, I caught her. I caught your baby sister and gave her to Cassie.” 

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