Part Seven

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"Okay, what did you bring to wear?" Jennifer asked me. "A pink and a green shirt. Oh, and some jeans." I told her. "I have a shirt you can wear. Can you go get my blue shirt off the bed and put it on with some ripped jeans?' I nodded. I grabbed the blue flannel shirt and my jeans. I changed into them in the bathroom. I came out when I was done. 'Ooh, you know what you need?' She asked and went to her closet. She pulled out a black leather jacket. Uncle Will never let me have one. He said they were for dirty lying cheats that run off with your girlfriend. I put it on. "What shoes are you going to wear?" She asked. I held up my beat up converse that were hand-me-downs from Jackie. "Those will have to do." She said and smiled. Then she did my make up. "You are so pretty that you barely need this stuff." She said, applying my mascara. I smiled. Then she did my hair. When she was done, she stepped back and admired her work. "You are ready." She said and held up a hand mirror. I looked and gasped. I had thick black eye liner on with a little mascara and some red lipstick. And my ugly tangled blond hair looked sleek and gorgeous into loopy curls. I had to look twice because I looked so different. I was never allowed to wear make up before. Uncle Will said that make up was only for prostitutes. I never believed him. "Hey, ladies its 7:30, you about done?" Boston walked in. "Whoa, Alice. Jen, how did you do it?" He asked her. "Magic." She responded. There was a knock on the door. "I got it." Boston walked to the door and answered it. "Oh, hey, Jackie, Alice will be out in a second." He said. "You look beautiful." Jennifer said and hugged me. "Thank you so much for everything." I told her. I hurried to the door. "Bye, thank you for everything." I said and hugged Boston. He was surprised but hugged me back. "Have fun, Alice." He said and we ran to Jackie's mom's car. We got in and drove to Chris's party. "Alice, you look so pretty!" Jackie said when we were in the car. I smiled. I couldn't believe I got to go to Chris's party.

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