#1: Sneaky wire

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I don't know why, what, where, when, and how but.. I'm standing on an electric post. I'm guessing that my goal is to reach the other pole using the telephone wires as a bridge without being noticed by the person below. I think the person was Ellie. I don't know how or why she's here in my dream.

I realized that I am carrying a sack with me. I don't know what's in it either.

The most strangest thing in my dream was that I wasn't scared or anything. I myself am a scaredy-cat. I have a fear of heights yet I remained calm. The telephone wires weren't even stable especially with the weight I add on them.

And so I went and walked on each one, crossing to the other wire when needed, despite the high chances of me falling.


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Strange. It's like in my other dreams where I fall from a tall building, not fearing death but instead, enjoying the moment.

Halfway through, the person below me started to notice something strange. At the moment I knew, I am going to fail this unknown mission.

She looked up and noticed me. When I looked at her, only then did I realize that there was a garden below me.

-- Why would there be telephone wires above a garden?

I couldn't get a clear picture of the garden, but I can tell that it's a beautiful one. I finally came down as I lost my "mission".

I just fell down and landed on my feet, without being injured. I guess dreams will be dreams.

I realized I was carrying an old sack with probably plastic bottles inside (I just took a guess).

The girl in front of me stayed calm. I took a good look of her. She was a petite one, but her complexion is pure and pristine. Beautiful.


Is what I think I heard from her.

Then, my dream ended.


I might not be that good at illustrating my dream but I tried my best!

Thank you for reading~

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