Time heals all wounds but mine do not heed this
Scar after scar reopens, allowing blood to pour free
Within my heart I find no answer to what causes this grief raining storm, but even so I search
From years of experience, I hope to find something
Anything, To explain the reasoning behind false smiles and hopeful lies
A soothing hum from friend turned villain boils my blood
And from blood is created a sickly stew of venomous hatred to those that wronged
Trust betrayed I find no comfort in soothing rain
Another heartache, another storm received
And yet again I cannot help but wallow in my own misery
To be happy means having no pains, something I can't seem to quite visualize against the brooding horizons of my own fate
Ah, I see my dear friend, the cliff, faced to me again
Deep oceans reside at the bottom, coated with harsh rocks ready to pierce a soldier from his faulty footing
I know better than them, for I was raised here
Amongst the wolves of the coast and the birds of the sea
I know what lies just beneath the ever greens bleed red and sea foamed pinks and blues
Thoughts, Emotions, Change
PoetryA collection of poetry, nothing too special but maybe you've felt similar to these words before. CW: Strong language & themes/suicidal mentions