Recollecting & Accepting

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This world has been by far the most interesting in a while

Fires, floods, storms, rocks

Every corner of the earth shook by the ever ticking clock

Time has proved to be fragile, a limit to how long we can go

But even so, it's provided a lesson many of us will forever know

Two, zero, two, O

The year the world stood still and burned

We've cried together

We've lied together

And together, we've all died

But with the clock growing close, our eyes have been opened

At least I can say mine has

After these nineteen years of pain and torment, I come to realize why

Reasons behind the meaning of time will heal all wounds

Explanations to the effect of harm befalling and creating those sores

For what happens to us molds what we become

Long before we twinkle in the sky, our souls have been intertwined and written into the fates hands

Like a perfectly woven piece of fabric, we are what creates we

Ourselves are defined by how we experience

How we feel

How we love

Once I saw the world as a vast ocean, violent and churning, daring to pull me under

Time and time again I pleaded for my clock to stop, hands reaching to tug at the hour hands and pause the pain

Letting go allowed the hours to pass, and occasionally I rose from the surface of that deep blue, gasping for air

Along my journey, I swam to distant shores

Of broken glass and butterflies fluttering around my head, gently touching my stomach

Parts of me I thought never to exist shone through the cracks, and my scars filled with gold

Leaving that island felt like a drop back into the storm, and again I felt unsure

Soon my feet touched soft stand, the smell of rose and cherry tingling my nose

Cherry blossoms blooming, the sun shined through the pinks, purples, and soft violet reds

Cascading dozens of water-droplets onto my head

It felt like peace, but with it came the uncertainty of understanding myself

First, feeling loved, and now not sure if I wish to be loved

A story must continue, and so on I went, back into the drip of green turned cyan

Now adrift in the water, I longed to feel again

To understand my purpose, and to believe I had something yet to be gained from this trip

But I was wrong to think the world an ocean

No, for it is more than that

Deeper than the waves, and further up than the blue sky, the world slowly stretched into an endless starry night

Ties cut from those that venomed my heart, a soft hug around the mind that tried too hard, my earth has expanded from the growth I possess

And what but can I do but pause, recollect, and accept?

My time still ticks, for however long I'm not sure, but through words, poems, and songs will it continue evermore

The trust in myself is more valuable than the thoughts of "what if?"

So to satisfy the lust of wonder inside the child within, I promise to keep on searching

Answers are always out there, and so are the myths

But to become one of each is the gift I now wish

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