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"Yes I know but I couldn't leave you their" he said

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"Yes I know but I couldn't leave you their" he said.


I was annoyed and mad. I just wanted to go off on him but I kept my cool. "Put something good on" he said. "Hello idiot I don't have fucking clothes" I said. He grabbed me and walked me to a walk in closet. It was full of girl clothes. "Who's the last bitch who wore these clothes" I said. "No exactly I just waiting for the one with the perfect body" he winking at me. "Nasty ass" I said. I was about to change but he was still looking at me. "Um can you leave" I asked. "Nah I need to see the girl of my dreams body" he said. "GET THE FUCK OUT" I yelled


He left after that. "WEAR A DRESS PLEASE" he screamed from out the room. I rolled my eyes and started to look around. I found this green dress and liked. I put it on and looked at myself

~Then Jimin looked at me with the awful look

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Then Jimin looked at me with the awful look. "Take that off right now" he said in a cold tone. "But I like this one" I said. "I said take it off" he said. "I'm not going to" I said crossing my arms. "I SAID TAKE IT OFF" he screamed in my face. I didn't even say nothing back I walked back into the walk in closet and changed. After that I wanted to cry. I come from a rough background. My mom was on drugs and my dad was abusive. I started to tear up but I wiped them away. I looked and pulled out another dress. It was a black dress and I just put it on.

~I walked back out and jimin looked at me

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I walked back out and jimin looked at me. "Better" he said in a cold tone. We walked downstairs and got into a car. I sat in the passenger seat while he drives.  I was just looking out the window when Jimin said something. "Hey...um...I'm sorry what I said earlier" he said. "It's fine" I said while looking out the window. "Are you sure" he asked. "Yep...totally sure" I said. I just wanted to burst out crying so hard.


Then Jimin turned around and I was confused. "Why did you turn around" I asked. "Let's just go home" he said. "You made me get in a dress for what" I said. He chuckled. We went home and I changed out of the dress. I walked back out the closet and went on the couch and sat next to Jimin but not so close. "So why couldn't I wear green" I asked. "My enemy favorite color is green" he said in a cold tone.


"Can I know his name" I asked. "Kai" he said. My eyes widen when he said that. "O-Oh" I said. "Do you know him" he asked while looking at me. "Well when I was working at the bar the night you kidnapped me he showed up gave him a drink" I said. "Did you have sex with him" he asked. "No" I said. He chuckled. "I'm telling the truth" I said. "Yea right" he said. "Why do I even try with you" I said. "What does that mean" he said.


"I mean everything that I do is fucking wrong to you" I said. "God your fucking annoying like the rest of them" he said. "Like the rest of them? So their where more girls in this house...those dresses I probably put on was worn by one of them" I said. The threw his drink at the wall and just started screaming. "YOUR A FUCKING ANNOYING BRAT" he yelled at me. "HOW THE FUCK AM I ANNOYING" I screamed back.


"I GIVE YOU HOUSE AND FUCKING NICE CLOTHES AND YOU STILL COMPLAIN" he screamed. "I DIDNT WANT ALL OF THIS I WAS HAPPY WHERE I WAS...I DONT EVEN FUCKING KNOW YO-" I said before I felt a slap come across my face. Flashbacks from my childhood came back into my mind. "J-Jay I'm so sorry" he said with his voice cracking.


I was their just holding my face. I walked upstairs and just locked myself in the closet. Tears started to go down my face and everything. I sat on the ground just crying. I didn't want to be here I wanted to go home. I missed my friends my job. I just wanted to go home. I got up and ripped everything single clothing out of the closet. When I was done everything was on the floor. I couldn't breathe right or anything.


Soon as I knew it I dropped to floor and fainted. My vision was blurry as hell but I could kind of see. I saw Jimin literally bust the door down and run to me. He picked me up and carried me somewhere. I could hear him sobbing. After that I passed out in his arms.

Kidnapped by Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now