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I went back to sleep and had a good sleep

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I went back to sleep and had a good sleep...


I woke up to Kai kissing all over my face. I smiled and looked at him and smiled. "Baby get up please" he said. "I'm up babe" I said. "We gotta get ready" he said. "For" I asked. "I guess the mafia people planed to have a party here without my permission and I can't do nothing about it" he said. "But what about Jimin" I asked. "Yes he'll be here but I'll keep by my side the whole night I won't risk losing you" he said. I smiled and nodded.


We got up and walked upstairs. "Babe where's my clothes" I asked. He walked me to a closet that had 2 floors. "Why do I need 2 floors" I said to him. "Well girls like to have clothes" he said. "Oh and wear something green" he said. I nodded and started to find my outfit. I found a perfect outfit and threw it on.


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~I walked out the closet and looked at him

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I walked out the closet and looked at him. "How do I look" I asked him. "B-B-Beautiful" he said. I blushed at him. We walked downstairs. Everyone was showing up and Kai had his arm around my waist. I was talking with Kai when I felt chills. I looked around and saw Jimin. He was with the girl he was kissing. I chuckled at that. Me and Kai kept talking when Jimin walked up to us. "My worst enemy with the girl I kidnapped" Jimin said.


"I mean you don't know how to respect a girl so no wonder why she decided to leave with me that night" Kai said. "But I had her first" Jimin said. "Does it look like I give a fuck" Kai said. "No not one" I said. "Exactly so their for your comment is..." Kai said. "Irrelevant" me and Kai said. Jimin walked away and we kept talking. Then I saw that Kai had a boner. I tried to ignore it but I was very noticeable.


Then I saw some bitch looking at his pants and bite her lip. I stood in front of Kai and crossed my arms looking at her. She looked away quick. Kai grabbed my hips and I could feel his breathing on my neck. "Babygirl you wore the wrong kind of dress" Kai whispered in my ear. "Why's that" I asked. "It's making extra horny" he whispered in my ear. "Oh" I said.


"I'll like to see it off of you" he whispered in my ear. "Wow well your gonna have to wait" I said. "Bedroom now" he said. He grabbed my hand and we walked upstairs. He opened the bedroom door and we walked in and he locked it. He pushed me on the bed and crawled on top of me. "Kai what are you doing" I asked. "Just try to stay quite baby girl" he said. I nodded back at him. He put a blindfold over me and began.


He started to kiss all over my neck making me let out soft moans. He pinned my arms down and left bite marks on my chest. He slid his pants off and slid my panties off. He lifted my dress up and slid in me. I moaned loud and Kai cover my mouth. "To loud baby girl" he said. He starts to thrust harder in me. I started to moan loud but he still had his hand on my mouth so people couldn't hear me. He thrusted hard and I began moaning like crazy.


"Don't ever wear a tight shirt dress ever again" he said. "Yes baby" I moaned. "Wrong name" he said. "Yes daddy" I moaned. He pushed further in me making my legs start to shake a little. He pulled out and cum in my stomach. He grabbed something and wiped it off my stomach. "Get on your knees babygirl" he said. I nodded and did as he said. I slowly sucked his member and he groaned. I sucked a little faster making him grip on my hair. I kept sucking making him moan more.


I sucked hard and fast making him cover his mouth from his moans. After a few seconds I felt his warm cum in my mouth and swallowed it. He picked me up and bend me over the bed and slammed his member in my ass. I couldn't take it anymore I had to moan. I moved his hand and moaned loud. He yanked my hair while thrusting hard in me. "What's my name" he said. "It's daddy" I moaned. "I can't hear you" he said going faster. "F-FUCK ITS DADDY" I moaned loud.


He grip on my ass and began to go faster. He spanked me while thrusting harder in me. He pulled out and cum all over my back. Like last time he cleaned me up. We put are clothes back on and walked back downstairs. We acted like nothing happened. We just kept talking to people and kept smirking at each other.

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