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Kai had to leave so it was just me at home. He had to go on a business trip and I couldn't go with him which made me bored. I got hungry so I got up and walked downstairs. I went into the cabinet and grabbed chocolate icing and started eating it. It did help. Before I knew it I ate it all. I went upstairs and Kais office door was open. I was gonna close it but I decided to walk in and see what is looked like. I saw that he had pictures of me working at my job. Then a notebook fell and I picked it up and it had written on it "The plan for JayMarie". I opened it and couldn't believe what I was looking at.


1.Have Jimin kidnap JayMarie
(Pay Jimin 12.9M)
2.Save Her from Jimin
3.Have Jimin abuse her
(Pay Jimin 50M)
4.Plan to get her pregnant
5.Leave her after the baby is born


My eyes got teary and I was in total shock. Thought he was the one but that definitely wasn't true at all. Then I remember Kai would be back tonight. So all this time I thought Jimin actually hated me for some reason but he didn't. I ran to my room and started back all my things while crying. I had no where to go at all. But thought about it if Jimin was payed to do this what if he isn't so bad.


I was in my living watching as show when my phone rang. I looked at it and saw it was some random number. I declined it and kept watching the show but it kept calling. I just picked it up. "Hello" I said. "Jimin.." I heard JayMarie crying. "JayMarie...are is everything alright" I asked. "I know about the plan" she said. "Oh" I said feeling guilty. "I have nowhere to go" she said sobbing. "Jay just pack your stuff I'll have a car come pick you up and get you on a private jet here okay" I said. "Okay" she said crying.

I sat back and started to worry. I didn't like the thing I did to her in the past. Every time I hit her I cried right after. I couldn't do nothing about it cause Kai is way more powerful than me. Kais famliy actually killed my family when I was only 6 and I had to live with a abusive relative. Kai forced me to do all the thing to her. All the times she was right in front of me with Kai I could've just told her the truth but I didn't.

I know she didn't want to sleep in the same bed as me so I went to the guest bedroom and started to get it read for her. I threw on new sheets and blanket. I grabbed a baby crib which I had for my nephew when he was living with me at the time. If she was staying with me and the baby comes. I grabbed her clothes out my closet and put them all in her closet.


It's 6 hours later and I landed and on my way to Jimins house. I already blocked Kai from my phone. I deleted everything I had of Kai in my phone cause if I looked at his face I cried. We pulled up to Jimins house and he came outside and hugged me and to help me with my luggage. We walked into his house and his maids took my stuff upstairs. "Are you hungry" he asked. "Yea" I said. "Pizza" he asked. I smiled a little and nodded. We sat on the couch and watched the show.


"Hey um JayMarie" he said. "Yea" I looked at him. "I'm sorry for putting my hands on you I really feel bad" he said tearing up. "It's okay you was forced to do something you didn't want to do" I said wiping his tears. The pizza arrived and we ate it. We both felt sleepy after that so we walked upstairs. We was walking away from his room and I looked at him. "Why aren't we going to your room" I asked. "You want to sleep with me" he asked. I nodded and we walked to his room


We both laid down and fell right to sleep. We both woke back up to his phone going up. He grabbed it and showed me. It was Kai blowing his phone asking if he knew where I was. He put his phone on do not disturb and we went back to sleep.

|Next day|

I woke up before Jimin and he was holding onto my arm like a little baby. I moved my arm and walked to the bathroom and used it. I wiped then walked out the bathroom and saw Jimin looking at his phone. I laid back down next to him and he smiled. We both went back to sleep cause we was tired. Let's just hope for the the best that Kai doesn't find me.

Kidnapped by Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now