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I woke up and felt nauseous. I looked at and saw I was laying next to Rm. I walked into his bathroom and all of a sudden I started to throw up in the toilet. I think it's form Jimin kicking me in the stomach. But if it's from that why did it come last night. A lot was on my mind I just kept throwing up. Rm came by me and rubbed my back. "I got you a flight home" rm said. "Really" I looked at him. He nodded and I hugged him. "Thank you" I said.


We got up and slowly walked out the house we got in his car and drove to the airport. He dropped me off and before saying I left he said something. "Promise me you'll get a different job" he said. "I will" I said. I got on my flight and headed home. We took off and and I saw that I was still wearing Kai Necklace. This women sat by me and said something. "Your going to be a great mother" he said. "I'm sorry what" I said to her.


"Well I read plans and just by looking at you...you had a rough week and your expecting your first child" she said. I nodded and looked out the window. Could I really be pregnant. I mean if I am it's definitely Kais kid. I didn't worry myself. I'll take a pregnancy test when I get home. I just got some sleep cause I needed it.

|2 hours later|

We finally landed and we all started to get off. I walked off and saw a Uber waiting for me. I got in it and she drove me home. I got out and went inside my house and grabbed 3 pregnancy tests. I took all 3 and waited. After 20 minutes they all came out positive. Is Kai's pull out game week or was this planned. I saw the girl brung my phone home. I grabbed my phone and dialed Kai's number.


It ranged and he picked up. "Hello" he said. "Kai" I said. "Are you okay" he asked. "Yes I'm fine Rm got me a flight and I'm back home now" I said. "Well that's good" he said. "But I actually called you for something else" I said. "What is it" he asked. "I'm pregnant" I said. "O-Oh" he said. "Yea I know I wasn't planning to be a mom" I said. "So what are you gonna do" he asked. "Get a new job find house in a better neighborhood" I said.


"What's wrong where you live" asked. "A lot of people been dyning over here" I said. "I'll send you a couple millions to move" he said. "What wait Kai I don't need that much" I said. "It's the least I can do I mean your carrying my child" he said. "Alright fine" I said. "Just please do check ups to make sure the baby is okay" Kai said. "I will" I said. We hanged up the phone and I looked for a new job.


Then Kai called me back. "Yes Babe" I said. "I just thought of it you don't needa job when the father of your kids is a mafia leader just relax and take care of yourself" he said. Then we hanged up and I went to sleep. It was hard cause I was use to sleeping on Kai and you know now he's not here. I tried my best but nothing was working. I told the girl to come over cause I haven't seen them in a week.


They came and walked upstairs to my room where I was at. "WE MISSED YOU" they said hugging me. "NOW LETS GET DRUNK" Xara said. "I can't" I said. "Why not" lexy pouted. "I can't drink for 9-10 months" I said. "No your not" Xara said. I nodded my head and they began to jump in excitement. "Wait who's the father" they asked. "His name is Kai and yes he does know and is supporting me.


"Good cause I didn't want to have to kick his ass" Xara said then Kai called back. I picked it up and Lexy and Xara screamed. "HES CUTE I SEE YOU JAY" Lexy said. I laughed so hard. Xara took my phone and started to talk to him. "You got a job" she asked. "Yes" he said. "How much you make a year" she asked. "Billions cause I'm a Mafia leader" he said. They both looked at me.


"Why you always get all the bad boys" Xara whine. "They just love me" I said. "But you called me so what's up" I said. "I wanted to tell I miss you sleeping in my arms so I'm getting flight to come down their now cause I can't sleep" he said. "Dude I was trying to take a nap but couldn't cause I wasn't in your arms" I said. "Aww Jay you look happy" Lexy said. "If you hurt her I cut your dick off" Xara said.


"She's joking right" he asked. "Nope she means it" I said. I got off the phone with him and me and the girls watched movies while they drank. "I will have two shots cause Jay can't take hers" Xara said. "I think I'm gonna do the same" Lexy said. "You bitches" I said and they laughed. We watched like 10 not movies when we heard the doorbell ring I got up and ran to it I opened it and saw Kai with Hyunjin and Suga.


"They wanted to come" he said . "It's fine" I smiled. I hugged Hyunjin and Suga then jumped on Kai. We walked into the living room and sat down. I laid on Kai and Hyunjin was flirting with Xara and she. Blushing. Lexy and Suga were talking about everything in the book. Kai phone rang and it was Jimin. "Did you tell the girls about Jimin" Kai asked. The girl looked at me and I sat up.


I explained everything and they was shook. "Ight this nigha Jimin wanna die for putting his hands on you" Lexy asked. "Yes" all the boys said. I had to other rooms with beds in them so they can split it. I walked in my room with Kai and he looked around. "You like wrestling" he asked. "Yes but not that much anymore" I said. We laid on the bed and I felt relaxed. "Now I can finally go to sleep" I said. "Same" Kai said.


The Jimin kept calling him. I grabbed his phone and answered it. "KAI I LOST JAYMARIE" he said. "Nah you didn't Rm got me a flight back home" I said. I hung the phone up and laid on Kai. I fell asleep while he was rubbing my back.

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