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We was still playing game when all got done and wanted to go watch movies. "Jay invite Jimin to come" Hyunjin said. "You'll think he'll come" I asked. "For sure" Yoongi said. I looked at my phone and called Jimin. "Hello" he said. "Hey I'm Jimin would like to go to the movie with my friends and me and Yoongi, Hyunjin" I asked. "I would love to" he said. I told him what movie theater and we drove to the movie theater. We pulled and saw Jimin pull as well. We got out and Jimin ran to me goofy and all.


"Hi their" he said looking at my baby bump. "Is it a boy or girl" he asked. "Girl" I said. He smiled and we all walked into the movies. Of course Yoongi pick a scary movie. We got drink to share. Hyunjin and Xara was gonna share and Yonngi was gonna share and Jimin and me wa gonna share. We got snacks and walked in and sat in our seats. The movie was about to start when I got cold. "Here" Jimin said. He took his hoodie off and gave it to me. I put it on and smiled. "Thanks" I said. He similes back at me.


The movie started and we began to watch. A jump scare came up and me and Jimin jumped. We looked at each other and silently laughed. We stopped and kept watching the movie. Then another jump scare came up and Jimin wrapped his arms around me bidding his face. I laughed more. He held onto me while we was watching the movie. We kept watching it while I was in Jimins Arms. Another part came up and I heard Lexy screamed. Me and Jimin started to laugh.


It was close to the end now I got really scared. I grabbed onto Jimin bidding my face in his chest. He laughed at me. "Watch the movie" he said while laughing. Then jump scare came up and we all screamed. The movie ended and we left. Jimin was gonna meet us at the house so I just drove with him. We got in his car and we drove to the house. "By the way I'm not giving you your hoodie back" I said smiling at him. "How rude" he said while pouting. "Why do you smell like peaches" I asked. "I smell like what now" he said looking me with a giddy face.


I just bursted out laughing. We pulled into the gated community and drove to the house. We got their and got out the car. We walked in and saw them jumping on the couch. Me and Jimin went to the snack room and sat in their eating junk. "So are you gonna let him see her" Jimin asked. "Only if he wants" I said. "If he doesn't am I aloud to hurt him" he asked. "Yes" I said smiling. Then door open and we saw Yoongi. "Okay um Kai is somehow outside" Yoongi said. Jimin got up quick and rushed to the door i followed and saw Kai.


Jimin called his crew and they came quick and he walked out their and straight up punched Kai in the face. "DONT EVER COME AROUND JAYMARIE AGAIN" Jimin said while beating Kai up. They was fighting when shots went off. I ran under the table with Lexy and Xara. They stopped shooting and I got back up and walked outside to see Jimin laying down holding his stomach. I rushed to him and saw Kai shot him. I started to crying looking at Jimin. He sat up and spit up blood.


"Don't cry Jay is not your fault" Jimin said in pain. "It is my fault I put you in danger" I said while crying. "No don't ever say that" he said. I helped him up and we got in the car and I drove to the hospital. We got their and the nurses took him into surgery to remove the bullet out of him. Jimins friends showed up so did Xara and Lexy and the boys. Rm walked in and he hugged me and I started to cry. They all hugged while I was crying.

|2 hours later|

The doctor came out and we all stood up. "He lost a lot of blood but he's doing fine" She said. Everyone left and I went back their with Jimin. I sat in a chair just staring at him sleeping. I held his hand and laid my head on the bed and I felt this feeling. It was like I was happy but sad. But I feel asleep. Then I woke up to head pats and looked and saw Jimin smiling at me. Jimin made room for me on the bed and I laid next to him. He placed his hand on my stomach and I fell asleep.

|Next day|

We both woke up and I got up from the bed and stretched. The nurse came in and said we could leave. Jimin got up and he was only wearing his boxers and I saw his 8pac for the first time. My mouth dropped while looking at his 8pac. That just made him even more sexier. Wait what am I saying. Am I falling in love with Jimin. No I can't be that's wrong right. Then Jimin snapped me back into reality. "You okay" he asked. "What-oh yea yea I'm fine" I said.


We walked to the parking lot and got in the car. I was driving while Jimin was sleeping in the passenger seat. We got to the house I'm staying in and woke him up. "Cmon you can go to sleep in the house" I said waking him up. "Okay" he said with his raspy voice. We got out and and walked in the house and walked upstairs. We laid on the bed and Jimin fell right to sleep. I laid on the bed watching a movie.


Then Jimin rolled and laid his head on me. He face looked so cute. I smiled and kept watching the movie. He woke up and looked at me. "Get som rest" he said with his raspy voice. "Why Jimin" I asked. "Lest sleep can is not good for pregnant women" he said. I nodded and laid in his arms and went to sleep.

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