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I decided to finish the story in this book cause it only had 16 parts

I decided to finish the story in this book cause it only had 16 parts

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6 months later


Yes as you all know by now that I got pregnant by a lazy as two fake mafia leader. Was I expecting this nope not at all. But me being me I kept the baby and named her Kim Ara. Yes I love her with all my heart because she's my daughter. I am engaged now to Felix. Me, Felix,Hyunjin,Suga,Jimin all combined our mafias together making us the biggest mafia in the world. We have over 10,000 people all around the world in it. We have topped Kai and now where the top. I do modeling on the side to try to keep my job a secret. Ara is now 6 months and hasn't seen Kai. Yes I tried to reach out to him to sit down and talk but it didn't work. So ever since that I been raising Ara. Lor and Xara are the godmothers and Taehyung and Jimin and Rm our The Godfather's. I was holding Ara in my arms while she was sleeping when I saw my phone had a notification. I looked and saw that they scheduled a meeting at me and Felix house. No one has ever been to our house so theirs should be different since our house is the biggest. I laid Ara in her crib but she got up and started to cry. I sighed and picked her back up. Then I got a text from Tae


Tae sent a photo

Place this next to her bed so shehas something to smile aboutat night😌💜

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Place this next to her bed so she
has something to smile about
at night😌💜

I will😂💜

After that I made Ara a bottle and feed her. I was walking around the house while feeding her, her bottle when I heard Felix pull up in the driveway. I smiled a little. I looked back down at Ara and saw she was sound asleep. I walked upstairs with her in my arms and laid in my bed with her in my arms. Then Felix walked in and smiled. "She literally just fell asleep" I said. "Aw I was gonna wake her so we could play" he said. I just chuckled. He came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and gave Ara a kiss on the head. Even tho it's not his biological daughter he still treats her like his own which makes me happy about that. "Babe we gotta get ready for the party" he said. "I know" I sighed. "I know you don't want Kai in our house but I tried my best" he said. "It's okay lemme get dress" I said. He nodded and I laid her down on the bed. And grabbed my dress and got dressed.

I walked back in the room and Ara started to cry

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I walked back in the room and Ara started to cry. I picked her up and held her. I threw and black one piece on her with a white skirt and threw of some of thoses shoes sock on her. I walked downstairs with her in my arms and Felix smiled. "You look beautiful babe" he said smiled making me blush. Our friends pulled up and we all was just talking when Tae ran up to me and looked at Ara. "Hi their pretty girl" he said making her smile. Tae held her and she kept playing with his tie. She then started to suck on Taes chin making us both laugh. Then more guest showed up and our guards was making sure no one went upstairs. We have 6 downstairs bathrooms so theirs no need for them to even go upstairs. Something told me to look behind me and I looked to see Kai walking in with his crew. Ara started to cry to I took her back from Tae. She probably needed a diaper changed. I walked upstairs and changed her diaper.

She peed so I changed her into a new diaper. I put her outfit back on and I walked back downstairs with her. Everyone was just looking at me. I didn't know why at all. I reached the floor and some of them men's was holding out a rose for me. "Nice try gentleman but I already put a ring on that finger" Felix said standing next to me. We got back to the party when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked and saw this women. "Hi your that bitch JayMarie right" she said. I kept my clam and nodded. "Well I need you to stay away from my boyfriend Kai" she said crossing her arms. "Excuses me you winey little bitch...I haven't talked to that man since I was 5 months pregnant with his daughter who's in my arms...now I suggest you back up before I get 2 girls who'll love to kick your ass...and next time scrub your tongue cause your breath smells like dick" I said.

She walked back to Kai and I walked to Felix and our friends. "You look mad" Xara said. "Yea Kai stupid ass girl gon tell me to leave him alone and called me a bitch" I said. "Ooo hell now holding my dam earring" Lor said. "Lor clam down" Suga said. "Nope that bitch ain't finna yell at Jay when she's holding Ara" she said taking her heels off. She took her heels off and tied her hair up and walked to that bitch. She grabbed a drink and splashed her in the face with it. "Don't ever call JayMarie a bitch, and your the bitch cause you cussed at her while she's holding your boyfriends child" Lor said. She walked back over to us and put her heels back on and earring. Jimin was talking to some girl and I smiled. Yes Jimin broke up with that other toxic ass bitch. She threw glass at Jimin and he bleed from his head all because he didn't want to watch a movie. So I pulled up and beaten that bitch up. But anyways the party went on but Ara started to get cranky. I looked at the times and it 2 hours pasted her bed time. I walked upstairs and laid her in her crib with a bottle.

She didn't wanna lay in her crib so I had to pick her back up and fed her, her bottle as well. "You just love mommy holding you" I said while looking at her. "Of course she does" I heard a voice said. I looked behind me to see Kai. "H-How did you get up here" I said.  "Don't worry about that" he said walking closer to me. Ara was sleep in my arms and I looked back at Kai to see he was closer to me. "Can I hold her" he asked. "Why would I let you hold her after you was gonna leave me after I gave birth" I said to him. He had nothing to say. He was walking closer when Felix walked in. "How the hell did he get up here" he said. "Felix I have no fucking clue I was literally feeding Ara when he walked in" I said. Felix and Kai walked up to each other and literally started to fight. Hyunjin and grabbed Felix and one of kais boys grabbed Kai. "Come near her again and I swear Kai I will fucking kill you" Felix yelled. Ara woke up and started to cry. I walked out the room and went to my bedroom with Ara.

I took my dress off and threw some shorts on and a belly shirt. I laid in bed with Ara and rubbed her back until she fell asleep. Right after she fell asleep I went to sleep. The party was still going on but I was tired. Ara rolled on top of me and fell asleep so I just held her on my arms while sleeping.

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