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I laid in the bed and fell asleep

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I laid in the bed and fell asleep...


I was sleeping so peacefully when I got shaken awake. "Cmon wake up" Jimin said. "Shake me on more time and see what happens" I said with my eyes still closed. "Your clothes are here" he said. I jumped up for fast. "Where are they" I asked. He pointed to the closet and I ran to it. I locked myself in the closet and just put all the clothes up. I put the shoes up and was just working around the room.


I heard a knock and opened it to see Jimin. "Can I help you" I asked. "Why'd you lock the door" he asked. "I always lock the door" I said. "We'll get dress we have people coming over" he said. "Can I have the name and the color I'm not supposed to wear" I asked. "It's Kai put red on he hates the color red" he said. "Alright now shout the fuck up. I locked the door again. He said put red on I say put Black on and threw some heels on

 He said put red on I say put Black on and threw some heels on~

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I walked back into the room a jimin looked at me. "I thought I said out something red on" he said. "And I thought I told you to shut the fuck up" I said crossing my arms. He walked over to me and looked me dean in the eyes. "Don't make me do something I'm gonna regret" he said. "What are you gonna do slap me again cause if thats the case do it" I said looking at him. He walked away and looked into the mirror to tie his tie around his neck.


He couldn't do it all. He then looked at me. I rolled my eyes and walked towards him and started to do his tie. He smirked at me. "Stop that" I said. I got done finishing his tie and we walked downstairs. "So like why is he coming over" I asked. "Where throwing a party and everyone is coming" he said. "Great now I gotta be surrounded by men that I don't know" I said. He chuckled. "I'm serious" I said.


People showed up and Jimin tried to put his hand on my hip but I slapped his hand. There where a lot of people here now and my anxiety went up. Then I saw Kai walk in and I don't know why but I felt calm. Jimin was drinking with the boys and I really wanted to go upstairs but I can't. Jimin doesn't want anyone upstairs he has guards everywhere entrance to the upstairs with guns on them. Then I looked back at Jimin to see him kissing some girl right in my face.


I wanted to slap him but where not dating so I can't get mad. I know Jimin said I had to stick by his side the whole time but I walked away and went outside.


I seen JayMarie walk away from Jimin so I decided to make my move. I had my eyes on her ever since last year. I been going to her job almost everyday just to look at her beautiful face. Of course didn't go up to her cause she would've gotten scared. I have to make JayMarie mines before it's to late and she ends up like the rest of the girls who dated Park Jimin. I walked into the crowd and followed JayMarie all the way outside where she was going


I was outside just air when I got cold. Then I felt someone put a jacket on me. I look and see Kai. "Green looked very good on you" he said. "Thanks" I said while blushing. He then felt my cheek right were Jimin slapped me at. "Did he slap you" he asked. I just nodded. He put his hand out and looked at me. "I can take you somewhere better then here" he said. "I-I don't know" I said. "JayMarie I know your scared but please let me save you" he said. I grabbed on to his hand and he put his arm around me and walked to his car.


I was talking to my friends when I look outside and see JayMarie walking away with Kai. I grabbed my gun and rushed threw the crowd trying to catch up to them. I got outside and started to shoot at Kai but missed some how.


Me and Kai was walking when shots went off. Kai covered me and we rushed to his car. We got in and he drove off so fast. I was scared for me life. I didn't know what to do. I was scared I was gonna actually die. Kai grabbed my hand and held it. I was trying to calm myself down but I couldn't. "Oh shit" Kai said. "What's wrong" I asked. "It's Jimin he's following us" he said. My heart started to beat fast. "Don't worry JayMarie I won't let him do anything to you" he said.


I nodded and all of a sudden Jimin started to shoot at us. Kai threw his jacket over me and told me to keep my head down. Kai kept driving fast while I'm on the urge crying. This Mafia shit is getting way out of hand. All of a sudden Jimin gets next to us on Kai side and slams his car in our making us spin around. We hit the wall and I'm in so much pain. I looked at Kai and he knocked out. "Kai..Kai...Kai wake up" I said while shaking him. Jimin started to come our car and I just closed my eyes and laid their in the seat.


"Is she dead" Suga asked. "No you idiot she just has her eyes closed" Jimin said. "Hey atleast I'm not the one who got their girl kidnapped by my enemy" Suga said. Then we heard police sites s go awf. The boys ran and got back into their car and left us their. It was hard but I moved Kai in his passenger seat and I got in the driver seat. I opened his phone and took the directions to his house. His car was even damaged that much surprising. I pulled up and shaked Kai.


He opened his eyes and looked at. "Are you hurt" he asked. I shook my head no. We got out the car and Kai was limping. I helped him into his house and walked him upstairs. I laid him on the bed. "Well at least your not dead" I said. He smiled at that. "Go in that closet I have some girl clothes in their" he said. I nodded and walked in their. It was only a little bit of clothes but it's okay. I put some joggers on and a shirt and walked back to him. "So where did you get the girl clothes from" I asked. "My Mom was gonna live with me so I bought her clothes but she passed" he said. "I-I'm so sorry" I said.


"Don't be" he said. "So like are you gonna change" I asked him. He nodded and got up and changed to some shorts with no shirt on. I laid in the bed with him. "Kai..."I said. "Yes" he said back to me. "Thank you" I said. "Your welcome JayMarie" he said. He wrapped his arms around me and fell asleep in his arms. For the first in forever I actually felt safe. Like I wasn't worried about going to sleep. I could actually fall asleep without thinking that someone is gonna hurt me.

I really hope you guys like this story🥺

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