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I was sleeping when I woke up to Ara giving me kisses. I looked at her and she smiled. She picked her bottle up and handed it to. She always does that when she's hungry so I grabbed her and walked downstairs with her and made her a bottle. I sat her on the couch and we watched some cartoons. In was wondering where was Felix since I didn't see him in bed. While Ara was distracted by the tv I got up and looked for him. I walked in the guest room and saw him sleeping. I smiled and walked over to him. "Babe why didn't you come upstairs" I said. "I didn't wanna wake her up by getting in bed so I came down here" he said. I smiled and kissed his head and walked back to the living room. I looked and saw Ara she was just sitting their watching the show. I sat next to her and she crawled onto my lap. I was holding her when I heard a knock at the door. I got up and looked and saw a package. I grabbed it and walked back into the house. It said Felix name on it so I put it down. Then Ara started to baby talking and screaming at the same time. I picked her up and walked back in the room to Felix. I laid her on him and she started to slap hit face.

He woke up and smiled. "Don't you have a meeting today" I asked. "What time is it" he said. "10 in the morning" I said. "I might aswell get up since my meeting is at 12" he said. Ara bit his shoulder and laughed. We got up and walked into the kitchen and I put Ara in her high chair and cut some bananas and strawberries up and gave them to her. Then I see half a strawberry come flying across the kitchen at me and I looked at her and she's just smiling.

Aras Reaction:

I walked up to her and start to leave kisses all over her face

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I walked up to her and start to leave kisses all over her face. She was giggling while I kept kissing her. I looked and Saw Felix in a suit. "I can't do my tie" he sighed. I laughed and did his tie. "So what's this big meeting even about" I asked. "I don't even know so I'm bringing all my paperwork with me" he said. "Good" I said. He kissed Ara on the cheek and me and walked out the door. I took Ara out her high chair and put her in her play pin while I cleaned up the kitchen and her high chair. I gave her, her sippy cup and walked back into the kitchen to clean. I heard the doorbell ring and I looked and saw it was Jin. I opened the door and he had hands full of gifs. "My lovable sister I have presented you my love for Ara" he said with his smile. "Why is hobi dress in a princess costume" I said laughing. "HOBI YOU WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HIDDING" Jin said. "THIS DRESS IS UNCOMFORTABLE YOU GOT IM A SIZE SMALL IM A MEDIUM" Hobi said back. I kept laughing. We walked in and picked up Ara and walked to them. She saw Hobi in the costume and started to happy scream.

We went into the living room and Hobi started to sing let it go for her while me and Jin are laughing. Then Hobi points and Suga walks in dressed as Olaf. I dropped to the floor laughing so hard. "Don't make this worst then it is" Suga said. Ara was smiling and laughing at the same time. Then Jungkook walks in as Cinderella with the gloves and all. Me and Jin couldn't stop laughing at them. The Suga fell and rolled cause of his costume. Jin started to cry from laughing. They all started to sing baby shark making Ara bounce and clap her hands.

Ara Reaction:

Then they stopped and Suga dropped to floor holding his stomach

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Then they stopped and Suga dropped to floor holding his stomach. "I can't breathe" Suga said laughing. They was taking the costumes off when Jungkook slipped on the dress. This time Ara was laughing. Then Jin did his laugh making Ara laugh more. Then Felix walked in and saw what was happening and literally burst out laughing. Then Jungkook put a bunny hat on Ara and him and did his bunny smile at her making her smile wide. Then Jin gave her the gifs to open.

She opened it and saw it was a drum set. I looked at him so mad. "No you can annoy mommy all you want" he said to her. "...fuck...you" I said to him. He laughed. Then the door rung again we looked and saw Kai. I looked at the boys. "Why does he always have to ruin stuff" Suga sighed. Suga to the Olaf costume of and walked to the door. "What do you want" Suga said. "I want to see my daughter" he said. "Hhhmmm lemme think about that...no" suga said closing the door. We invited the girls and the rest of the boys over for a movie night. Kai left and everyone arrived. Rm walked in and Ara started jumping for him to pick her up. He picked her up and she just laid on him playing with his necklace. "Jay how don't we never hear her cry" Tae asked. "She's a good baby" I said. Right at that moment she slapped Rm. "...Sometimes she is" Jungkook said. We was sitting in the living watching movies and Ara laying in my arms. I look over and see Hyunjin and Xara making out. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at them.

They laughed and kept watching the movie. I looked at Ara and saw she was sound asleep in my arms. Then I look over and Rm is sleeping on my shoulder. "When your the mom of the group and everyone thinks it's okay to sleep on you" Suga said looking at me laughing. Everyone started to laugh expect for Rm and Ara. We all eventually fell asleep on couch. The movie was good but I guess we just all sleepy.

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