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After that I passed out in his arms

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After that I passed out in his arms


I woke in Jimins arms. I got out his arms and snuck out the room. I went into the closet and go to work. I picked all the clothes up and threw the clothes I didn't want out the closet. Everything in this closet I didn't like expected for on thing and that was shoes.


I woke up hearing nosies outside my room. I got up and looked down the hallway and saw clothes being thrown out of JayMaries closet. I didn't know what was happening but I grabbed my gun. I walked over their slowly until I reach the room and saw it was her throwing clothes out


"You know these are expensive clothes" Jimin said to me. "And I don't like them" I said. "Why not" he asked. "Do I look like a rich girl to you...if I wanted some expensive clothes I'll got to hot topic" I said. "What is hot topic" he asked. "Dam you get rich and forget about stores cause you only wear designer clothes" I said. "At least my clothes are nice" he said. "Yea cause their all suits" I said. "So you don't like these clothes" he said. "Not one bit" I said


"Here's my card" he said. "For what" I asked. "You have 30 million dollar limit buy whatever you want online" he said. "Don't have to tell me twice" I said grabbing the card out his hand. I walked to his computer and looked some brand us and everything. "Get some ball gowns please and in black" he said. "Fine Mr.Abusive man" I said. "Look I'm sorry" he said. "Yeah yeah whatever let's just forget it happen" I said. I kept looking and bought a lot of stuff. "What's the total" he asked.


"748,923" I said. "Buy more things" he said. "Alright" I said. He shouldn't never said that cause now I'm finna go crazy with this card. I bought more stuff and the total came up to 20 million. I gave him his card back and sat on the bed. Then he threw this dress in my face. "Rude much" I said. "Get dressed" he said. "Why" I asked. "Just put it on" he said. "Fine" I said. I put the dress on and grabbed the heels

~I walked to Jimin and his eyes was glued to my body

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I walked to Jimin and his eyes was glued to my body. "Cmon idiot lets got" I said. We got in the car he drove. We pulled up to the place and walked in. "Hold my hand" he said. "Why" I asked. "So people know your mines" he said. I laughed. "Now that's funny" I said while laughing. I looked back at him and tried to have a straight face but I couldn't help it. "Okay okay I'm sorry" I said I grabbed his arm and we walked in. We sat at a tables with his other members.


"Sorry for kicking you in the dick" I said to Rm. "you kicked him in the dick" Jimin asked. "Yea cause I didn't know who he was" I said. "It's okay" he said. They gave use drinks and I only drank water while the rest drank you know their kind of things. I was drinking my water perfectly fine when out the corner of my eye I saw Kai. I started to choke on the water. Jimin put his hand on my back and looked at me.


"Are you alright" he asked. "...nope" I said and all the boys laughed. "Wow she's beautiful and she knows how to make us laugh what could possibly go wrong" Suag said while laughing. "Yea Jimin what could possibly go wrong " I said looking at him. He took a gulp with drink. Then Kai walked up our tables and jimin gave him a death stair. "Hello Jimin" Kai said. "Hello Kai" Jimin said. Then Kai winked at me and I was shook.


"Anyways I just came by to say congratulations on getting a girlfriend we don't want her to end up like the rest of them" he said smirking. I took a sip of my water cause what the actual fuck. Now I'm wondering what happened to the rest of them. Kai walked away and all the boys looked at me. "Baby I'm not even here I'm a hallucination" I said sipping my water. Then they severed us some fancy ass dinner.


Out the corner of my eye I saw Jimin tryin to take my chicken and I slapped his hand. "Back of bitch" I said. All boys eyes widen. "What did you just call" he said. "B-I-T-C-H" I said looking at him. "You wasn't lying when you said she calls you out your name" Taehyung said. We kept eating and we all got finished. Then Kai kept eyeing me the whole time. I looked at Jimin and he looked back at me. "What's wrong" he whispered in my ear.


"Kai keeps looking at me" I whispered back in his ear. "Don't worry I'll handle him" he whispered back. "So like what tank are you guys in" I asked. They all looked at me I'm shook. "How do you know about the tanks" Jungkook asked. "I mean this looks like a mafia meeting and I watched a lot of Mafia movies before I was kidnapped by Jimin" I said. "Wait wait you kidnapped her" Jin said. "You said you met her at the lake and you guys hit it off" J-hope said.


"Nope he spiked his drink then gave it to me and drank it fell asleep woke up in his bed" I said. "Why would tell them" Jimin said. "Well I thought they knew where I came from" I said. "When we get home we're gonna have a long talk" Jimin whispered in my ear. I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Then I saw Kai still looking at me. Then this girl came up to us. "Omg Hi Jimin how have you been" she asked.


"Been doing just fine after you left" he in a cold tone. "Mhm sure but anyways I just wanted to introduce you to my man meet Lucas you probably don't even have a date" she said. He then looked at me. He smirked at me and I blushed of course. "So are you here with her" she said. "Yes this is my fiancé" he said. This dude just lied to the girl for what. I swear boys do anything to get their ex jealous.


She walked away mad as hell. The whole rest of the night I didn't speak. Like I genuinely wanted to go to sleep. Jimin and the boys way talking and I just fiddling with my fingers. Then Jimin snapped in front of me and I looked up. "What" I asked. "You okay" He asked. "Yea why" I said. "Cause you have tear running down your face" he said. I wiped it away. "I'm genuinely fine it's just my allergies" I said.


"Allergies my ass" I heard a voice behind me say. I looked and saw it was Kai. "Stay the hell away from her" Jimin said standing up. "Or what" Kai said getting in Jimins face. I couldn't handle all of this so I got up and walked away. I walked into the girls bathroom and splashed my face with some water. I dried my face off and and looked into the mirror. I'm not the same girl at all. I never wear dresses or heels.


I'm changing myself for some boy. I walked out the bathroom and saw Jimin. "You okay" he asked. "Yes I'm fine" I said. He grabbed my hand and we headed outside "you look tired" he said. "Maybe I am" I said. "Let's just go home" he said I nodded and we headed home. We not my home but who cares. We got home and I kicked the heels off and threw something comfy on. I laid in the bed and went to sleep.

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