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I could actually fall asleep without thinking something was gonna happen to me

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I could actually fall asleep without thinking something was gonna happen to me...


I woke with Kai opening the blinds. "Wakey Wakey" he said. "No" I said covering my face. He laid on my me while laughing making me laugh. "Okay I'll get up" I said. I sat up and looked at him. "What do you want to eat" he asked. "I don't know" I said. He grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs to the kitchen. This mans house was bigger then Jimins house. I sat on the counter watching him. "Imma cook breakfast" he said. "Okay" I said. "Oh and if you get your period theirs pad in the bathroom on the top shelf" he said.


I smiled at him. He walked towards me and I was shook. He pressed his lips on mines and I liked it. We kept kissing until we both broke the kiss. "Sorry about that" Kai said while looking away from me. "No it's fine" I said. He began to cook and I watched him. "Do you want cheese in your eggs" he asked. "Yes please" I said. He mad pancakes eggs and bacon. He made our plates and we sat and started to eat.


I know it's rude to stair at someone when they eat but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I couldn't actually believe the girl of my dreams is sitting right in front of me. "Is their something on my face" she asked. "No your just very gorgeous" I said. She blushed very hard. She kept eating her food and so did I.


Me and Kai got done eating and went upstairs we was just laying down and watching a movie. Kai looked at me and I looked back at him. He started to kiss me so I kissed him back. He got on top of me and we kept kissing. He pined my hands above my head while kissing me. This is a get good kisser that's all I can't say.


Then  we heard someone banging on the front door. He looked on his camera and saw Jimin and his boys with guns. We up and got dressed quick.


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Same shoes as Kai ~"Where gonna go to my real home" he said

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Same shoes as Kai
"Where gonna go to my real home" he said. "What" I said. "This is just my second house I have 6 houses" he said. "We're gonna be taking a flight" he said. I nodded. We walked out the back and walked down some stairs outside to a underground parking lot. We got into his black Jeep and drove off. We drove for like 20 minutes until we got to this private airport.


"Wait Kai we don't have any clothes" I said. "Don't worry we have clothes at the other houses" he said. I nodded and we got on this private jet. "Hey um Kai" I asked. "Yeah" he asked. "Can I call my friends" I asked. He smiled and nodded and gave me his phone I called them so quick. I FaceTime for a little bitc before they answered. "BITCH WHERE ARE YOU" Lexy said. "Um...vacation" I lied. "Girl no your not you wouldn't have left your phone" Xara said. "I just wanted to leave it" I said.


We talked for about another 5 minutes but they had to go to work. I gave him his phone back and laid my head on his shoulder. His put his arm around me and I smiled. "You okay" he asked. "Just tired" I said. He grabbed pillow and laid it on his lap. I laid down while looking at him. He kept playing my hair. I fell right to sleep. Yea I'm not leaving him ever.


I woke up to Kai on the phone with someone. I looked up t him while he was on the phone. He got off the phone and looked at me. "I'm sorry babe I didn't mean to wake you up" he said. "Babe" I questioned with m eyes wide. "I mean do you wanna be called that" he asked. "I wanna be called baby" I said smiling. Smiled and nodded. We landed and I sat up. "Where are we" I asked. "We're in Bora Bora" he said. I sat up so quick and looked around. We got off the plane and got into car.


We drove off and went to his house. We pulled up and it was gated. We drove in this long drive way and parked. We got out and walked out and I saw a pool. I jumped on his back and he smiled. I saw he was on Instagram and saw he follows me. "Looks like your my stalker huh" I said making him laugh. I was still on his back and he walked upstairs. He threw me on the bed and I laughed.


We started to play fight with each other. He put me in a head locked and I kept laughing. "Do you give up" he said. "Never" I said trying to break his hold. Then I knew if I said one word he'll let me go. "Okay I give up Daddy" I said. He let go of me and looked me dead in the eyes. "Whatdidhesay" he said in a high pitch voice which made me laugh. We both started to laugh hard. We walked downstairs and I saw a trampoline.


I took my shoes off and ran towards it. I got on it and started to jump on it. Kai got on it aswell and we jumped together. I felt something pulled in my legs and I dropped and landed on the trampoline. "You okay" Kai asked me. "I think I'm pulled something in my leg" I said. He got off the trampoline first and then carried my bridal style to the couch. He laid me down and was about to walk away. "Where you going" I asked.


"You want me to stay with you" he asked. I nodded. He lifted me up and I laid on him. We watched a movie and laughed. I eventually fell asleep on him and got got. I woke back up taking my shirt off not even thinking about Kai. I went back to sleep and had a good sleep.

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