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I'm 8 centimeters dialed but I have to wait till I'm 10. Every who's are friends showed up but was waiting in the waiting room. Me Felix was getting sleep before I had to push her out. Then I woke back up to a pain ass contraction. I sat up then Felix looked at me. "You okay" he asked. "Does it look like I'm okay" I said. "I-I'm sorry" I said. "It's okay your just hurting I understand I couldn't imagine being a women and giving birth" he said.


Nurses cam in and told me it was finally time to push. I wanted Xara and Lexy in the room so they brought them in. Lexy and Xara was holding my legs while Felix was holding my hand. I started to feel so much h pain down their I couldn't even believe it. But I gave one hard push and that shit hurted so dam bad. I took a breath and pushed again but this time it hurted more. I kept giving my best to get her out of me.


I started to cry cause it was so much pain going threw me. I kept pushing yes it was hurting like hell but I had to do it. I pushed a couple more times and was screaming cause you know pain. I never thought it would be this much pain to give birth. I caught my breath and was crying. "Cmon your almost their" one of the nurses said. "I can see her little head" the other nurse said. I gave more pushes when I finally heard a cry. They laid her on me me I held her in my arms. I wanted to cry but I didn't. I just kept holding her.

Kidnapped by Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now