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I woke up to the smell of food to see Jimin waving a burger my face to wake me up. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "You hungry" he asked. I took a bite of the burger and he chuckled. I sat up and he gave me the burger and I ate it. He gave me something to drink and smiled. We was eating the food when someone walked in making up both look at them. It was Tae. "Sorry to interrupt but um Kai s-said that he's going to take y-y-you back" he said nervous. I looked at Jimin.


"Then...this means war" he said with a death stair at Tae. Tae nodded and left the room. We finished eating and got up. We went downstairs and Jimin left. I went back in my my room and laid back down. I was feeling very good and she started to kick like crazy. I decided to take a sleeping pill to get more sleep. I took one and drank some water and laid down. Right after that I fell asleep.


It was 5 hours later and I woke up to the sound of the doorbell going off. I walked to the hallways to walked downstairs when all of a sudd they just walked in. I looked and saw it was Kai. I was still on the stairs at the top and he was walking in slowly. I slowly walked back into my room locking the door. I grabbed my phone kept calling Jimin. He wasn't picking up so I got so dam scared. Then Felix called me and I picked it up quick. "Hey Jay I was wondering-" he before I cut him off.


"Kai just broke in" I said. "Send me your address I'm on my way just hide somewhere" he said. I sent him it and hid in the bathroom closet cause it was big. Then I heard a man screaming and heard glass breaking. All of a sudden I heard gun shot go awf. I stood their shaking. Then the person opened the closet door. I looked and saw it was Felix. He hugged me and I hugged him back. I threw some shoes on and grabbed my phone and we left.


He called Jimin and Jimin picked up and told him I was gonna go to his house. We pulled up to his and walked in. "Do you want anything to drink" he asked. I shook my head no and he lifted my face and looked at me. "Are you tired" he asked. I nodded slowly. He took me upstairs to his guest room and I laid down. I don't know why I couldn't go to sleep. I yelled Felix name loud. He rushed in their out of breath. "What happened" he said. "I can't sleep" I said. "...I ran here and lost my breath for that" he said breathing heavy.


"Yea but I can't sleep" I said. He sighed and sat next to me and rubbed my back until I fell asleep. I was dozing off to sleep when he was about to leave but I grabbed his wrist. "Don't leave" I said half asleep. He sat back down and pulled me in his arms and I fell asleep in his arms. He fell asleep as well and held me in that position the whole night long.

Kidnapped by Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now