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Update on the bump^^^^

Update on the bump^^^^

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|4 months later|


We live Australia now and starting to get ready fort the baby. Yes me and Felix are dating yes our friends know about it expect for Kai. Jimin does have a girlfriend so um yea. I was in my room laying down when Felix walked in with a 6Ft tall stuffed unicorn. "I have the found the last peace for her bedroom" he said in high pitched voice. "That's very tall" I said. "It might scared her a couple times but she'll be fine" he said


He dragged it to her room and set up. 30 minutes later he came up to me and flopped on the bed. "That was very hard to make it stand" he said while catching his breath. "Well your the one who got it" I said. "True" he said. We threw a movie on and watched one cause theirs nothing we can do. Felix got a call and he showed me and it was Kai. He declined it and we kept watching the movie. Then Felix started to jump on the bed.


"Can we go get ice cream" he asked. "I am craving it so Lemme get dressed" I said. He smiled so big when I said that. I walked into the closet and picked a outfit out.


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We got in the car and drove downtown to the ice cream shop. We pulled into the drive thru and waited. He then poked my nose. I blushed and smiled. "You little one get out of mommy so I can kiss you" he said while looking at my stomach. I smiled and then his favorite song came on making him goofy dance. I started to laugh so hard. He pulled up and got me a Vanilla banana ice cream and he got Pecan ice cream.


We got our ice cream  and ate it all and we drove by a Baby store and he parked so fast. "I wanna go in their" he said. "She already had enough clothes" I said. "Well she need more" he said. I smiled and we got out the car and walked in. We looked around and I looked back at Felix and he's picking clothes out. "How do you already have that much clothes in your hands" I said. "She is going to be spoiled" he said smiling.


I laughed and saw a blanket that's soft as hell and picked it up for her. Then I look at Felix and he already picking shoes. I just kept laughing while staring at him. He looked at me and smiled big. We checked out and grabbed our bag and was about to walk out when we saw Kai walk in. He was with one of his friends. Felix put me on the other side of him and put his arm around me and we walked out. We walked to the car and got in.


"Well that was a close one" I said. "Yes" he said. We drove around just to kill time cause we have nothing to do. We just driving around listening to music and having fun. We both got tired and decided to go home. We drove home when we noticed a car following us. We turned the corner and drove away from our house. We drove back downtown to try to loose them but they was still following us. Felix parked and so did they and he looked in the mirror and saw Kai.


"Close your eyes" he said. I closed them and covered my ears so fast. But I heard him shots got off and we drove fast away and went home. We pulled up and parked the car in the garage. We walked in the house and threw something comfortable on. I put all of the new clothes and shoes for her in her room then went back to my room. We both fell asleep. But woke name up to a someone honking outside. We sat up and looked out the window to see Kai.


But he wasn't parking he was just driving around honking his horn thinking they we'll come out. We sat back in bed when I wet. I probably just peed on myself so I went to check and it was pee at all. I looked at Felix and his eyes widen. Yes my water just broke at 9 months. He called all our friends and told them my water broke and we pack her bag and it changed into some thing different. I threw some slides on a started to get contractions bad.


Felix picked the bag up and me up and walked downstairs with me. He got me in the car and ran inside to get the car seat. He came back out and put the car seat in place and and got in and we drove to the hospital. The contractions kept getting worst and I started to breath heavy. He was driving fast to get me to the hospital. We made it to the hospital and went threw the labor side.


We checked in and they took us back their. We got in our room and got situated and the nurse left us for a little. "So now can I know the name" he asked. "When she comes out you'll know it" I said. "Whatever names is your nickname is Little Bean" he said looking at my stomach.

Kidnapped by Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now