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I woke up in Felix arms. I looked around and saw I was in bed with him. Then I heard little Aras cry. I got up and rubbed my eyes and walked to her room. Then I heard her not crying no more I walked in and I grabbed her and walked downstairs with her. I feed her some yogurt and berries. Then Felix walked in the kitchen making her jump all happy. He ran up to her and gave her a bunch of kisses all over her face. She was giggling hard. Then Felix looked at me. "Don't tell me theirs another meeting" I sighed. "Yes their is and kids aren't allowed" he sighed. "The fuck" I said. "I know I know" he said. "Who's gonna watch her" I said. We both looked up at each other and smiled. "Jin" we both said. I called Jim straight away so he can watch her later tonight. I looked and saw Ara fell asleep in her high chair. I picked her up and took her upstairs to lay down. I put her down and she started to cry. I just held her in my arms while she's sleeping. I walked downstairs and laid on the couch with Felix watching a show with her in my arms.


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WWHjin: pretty girl💜
Kimtaehyung: that's a lot of bling bling on the ring ring 💍
x.xara.x: look at those eyelashes and lips🥺💜

I was now 2 hours later and we had to start getting ready for the meeting.

I was now 2 hours later and we had to start getting ready for the meeting

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I walked back downstairs and opened the door for Jin. "Where's my favorite niece at" he said smiling. She started to smile and he ran and picked her up and gave her a bunch of kisses. I gave her a kiss goodbye and walked out the door with Felix into the car. We drove to the place and walked in. I sat at a table with him and we just talked. "I hope this is important" he said. "Same cause I didn't put a dress on for no reason" I said. Then are friends came in and sat with us. "Where's Jin" Tae asked. "He's watching Ara" I said. "You know Jim doesn't do the killing stuff" Jungkook said. Then my stomach growled and Felix looked at me. "You hungry" he asked. I nodded my head. He got and went somewhere. He came back with plate full of food and I smiled. "Babe you didn't have to" I said blushing. "My soon to be wife should never be hungry" he smiling. I ate the food and was full. Then Kai walked to us making us all roll our eyes. "What now" Lexy said. "Relax I'm just here to look at the mother of my daughter" he said. "Go look at someone else cause she's clearing takin" Felix said.

"Oh please it's not like she really loves you" Kai said. Then Felix looked at me. "Do you really love me" he asked. "Well that's a dum question cause I do love you" I said. Then I saw Lexy and Xara and hugged them both. I started talking with them when I noticed Felix wasn't their no more. "Hey Tae do you know where Felix went" I asked. "Last time I saw him going upstairs probably to use the bathroom" he said. I nodded and kept talking to the girls. Then 40 minutes pasted and he still didn't come down so I went upstairs to look for myself. I walked upstairs and didn't know what door was the bathroom so I just opened every door. I opened the last one and I saw Felix fucking another women. "Hey Jay you oka-"Jimin said but saw what happened. Jimin literally walked in the room and threw Felix on the ground punching him and kicking him. I literally walked away with tears coming down my face. Then Jimin walked to me and hugged me so tight. "I'm so sorry" he said. Right at that moment I just burts into tears. He just kept hugging me and rubbing my back.

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