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Jimin was having a meeting tonight at his house and wanted me to stay upstairs. Of course I am cause I don't wanna run into Kai. He got ready and went downstairs to give me stuff to eat and drink while he downstairs. "Now if you need anything just text me" he said. I nodded at him. He kissed my forehead and walked out the room closing the door behind him. I grabbed his remote and put youtube on. Then Jimins came back with more snacks. "Why all these snacks" I asked. "A pregnant women has to eat and so does the baby" he said. I smiled and walked back out.

|1 Hour later|

I was very bored and wanted affection. Then someone opened the door and it was some guy in a red suit. "I'm Suho Jimin told me to bring you drinks and food" he said. I smiled and nodded. He placed the food on the bed and walked back out. I ate it and watch more YouTube. I got tired so I got under the blanket. I was about to go to sleep when I heard the door open. I looked at it was Kai. I sat up so quick. "It's okay babe" he said walking closer to me.


"Back away" I said. "Baby is everything okay baby" he said. "I said back away" I said. I grabbed the knife I was using to eat and stabbed him in the arm. He screamed in pain. He grabbed me by the wrist and pinned me on the bed. Then Taehyung tackled him off of me. He started to beat the shit out of him. Jimin walked in and and started to beat the hell out of him aswell. I wasn't looking cause I just couldn't. Jimin came up to me and threw his jacket on.


I put some shoes on and a pair of jeans and we walked downstairs. He placed his jacket over me so no one could see me. We walked outside and we got in car a the driver drove off. "We're we going" I asked looking him. "I'm taking you somewhere safe" he said. "Can I know we're" I asked. "Your gonna be staying at one of my house but don't worry I already flew your friends out to stay with you"he said. I nodded and he held my hand. We pulled up and we got out.


We walked in the house and Xara and Lexy ran up to me. "Bitch this house big" Xara said. "Sorry Jimin I already raided the snack room" Lexy said holding a bag of chips. Jimin laughed and hugged me and left. We sat down on the couch and was watching movie when I knock came from the door. I looked and saw Hyunjin and Suag. They came in and the girls ran to them. Please don't tell me these girls are dating them. "Oh by the way Jay were dating" they said.


"Boys hurt them I blow you up in your house" I said pointing my finger. "Got it" they said. We sat back on the couch and watched more movies. I was about to fall asleep when my phone rang. It was unknown and I didn't want to answer just in case it was Kai. But maybe it wasn't so I just picked it up. "Hello" I said. "Hi is this JayMarie" they said. "Yes" I said. "Hi this is Suho and I just wanted to make sure you was safe" he said. "Oh yea I'm safe thanks for asking" I said. "Your welcome and stay safe and warm" he said.


We got off the phone and I saw Lexy kissing Suga and I looked a Xara. "Yes bitch I'm seeing this to" she said. "So Jay what are you going to name her" Hyunjin asked. "It's staying a secret until she arrives" I said. We all went to our room and we already knew Suga and Lexy was gonna do it tonight.  I took my clothes on and went into the closet and picked on of Jimins shirt up and threw it on and laid down.


I went to sleep but woke up to Lexy moaning loud. I I put the tv on to cover her moans and went back to sleep. I kept waking up for some reason but I finally got some sleep.

|Next Day|

I woke up to Hyunjin and Xara hitting me with pillows. "Get up sleepy" Hyunjin said. "Okay I'm up" I laughed. We all walked downstairs and ate breakfast. We was eating when Yoongi and Lext came downstairs. "Y'all two had fun last night" I said. "Yea way to much fun me and Xara was up to 3 in the morning cause of them" Hyunjin said. "Yall was that loud" I said with my eyes widen open. "Aye don't blame me she couldn't stay quiet" Yoongi said.


We all looked at Lexy. "It was my first time" she said. Hyunjin choked on his water. "WAIT REALLY" Xara said. She nodded. We all went upstairs and got dressed for the day.


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I know I'm pregnant but who cares let the belly breathe. We all got into Yoongi truck and went downtown and went to a outside restaurant to eat lunch. We sat down and was about to order when we saw kai with his group of friends. "I-c-b-"I said. Then Yoongi talked to the lady to move our table away from him and she said yes. We sat another table far away from Kai. We ordered and I got some deep dish pizza while the others got what they wanted. Every got pop expect Yoongi he got whiskey.


We was all jamming and Yoongi just kept making these faces making me burst out laughing. I looked at my stomach and saw the baby move. A smile came across my face seeing that. Our food got to our table and we ate it. We order more stuff cause we was still hungry. Yoongi was paying cause he loves us. We all eating and I look and saw Kai looking directly at me. I looked away and looked at Yoongi. "Are you okay" he asked. "K-Kai is looking at me" I said. He got up and looked at Kai and Kai looked away.


He sat back down and we got finished with our food and paid. We left and went to a arcade. We got in and played some games. I started to get cramps from the baby so I sat down.

Kidnapped by Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now