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Chapter 9


The morning came. I promised Ron that I would join him on a trip to Hogsmeade. He had to pay a visit to Ollivanders since he broke his wand for the 3rd bloody time. Harry and Hermione were occupied in the library all day trying to find information on the Horcruxes.

I was happy to join him, I haven't been to Hogsmeade for a long time.

It brought a lot of memories back. The familiar scent hovering all over the place, it was amazing.

''Why does this bloody thing always break?'' Ron said with a frustrated voice as he stuffed 6 chocolate frogs into his mouth.

''Maybe you should be more careful with it, Ron'' I said as I let out a chuckle.

''Ollivander is going to be bloody pissed seeing me again with a broken wand for the 3rd time'' he said with furrowed eyebrows.

We reached Diagon Alley, where the shop was.

Ron entered the shop with me walking behind him, I immediately started looking around.

It stayed exactly the same way as I remembered, the big wooden shelves with all sorts of wands on them, still placed the same way.

I remember getting my wand from here, years ago.

I didn't choose it, it chose me.

''Bloody hell Weasley, don't tell me you broke it again.'' Ollivander said with an annoyed face.

''It wasn't my fault this time!'' he quickly said, trying to defend himself.

''It's fine Weasley, you're lucky I have the exact same one laying around.'' He said as he turned around to look for it on one of the shelves.

''The exact same one? How?'' Ron asked

''I knew you were going to break it again, Ronald.'' He said as he handed the wand to him with a smile.

''Oh, right'' he said with a quiet voice, embarrassment written all over his face.

I let out a laugh which caused Ollivander to look at me, and my wand in my hands.

''Miss, can I see that wand?'' he asked as he was pointing at it.

''Uhm, yes of course'' I said nervously while I handed it to him.

He put on his glasses and took a good look at it.

''This kind of wand, with these carvings on it, I haven't made these kinds of wands since...'' he said, fascinated by the wand.

''Since 1938'' he added as he looked back at me again.

Shit, what am I supposed to say? I got this wand in my first year of Hogwarts. Ron was standing in the opening on the door, wanting to leave.

''Amelia, what's taking so bloody long?'' he said, looking at my direction.

''Sorry sir! Got to go'' I said as I looked back at Ollivander again.

I walked out of the store with Ron.

''phew, thanks for that one'' I said when we finally got out.

''For what exactly?'' he asked.

''For, taking me to Hogsmeade!'' I quickly made up.

''We don't have to leave yet, want some butterbeer?'' he asked as he pointed to Borgin and Burkes.

How could I say no to Butterbeer?

I agreed and we walked in.

Ron immediately walked to a table, all the way in the back.

''is there something special about this table?'' I asked as we sat down.

I was facing him, and the shop and he was sitting across from me, facing me.

''This is where me, Hermione and Harry always sit when we come here, it kind of has become our spot'' he explained.

''I'm flattered then!'' I said with a smile.

He ordered two butterbeers while I took off my jacket and turned around to hang it on the back of the chair.

When I turned back around, I saw him entering the shop.


He had a black suit on with a black coat over it with silver buttons. His hands were covered in gloves which had silver snakes on them.

As he walked in the shop, he spotted me sitting at the table with Ron.

He suddenly stopped walking for a second, as he made eye contact.

I couldn't move, it's like everyone around us disappeared.

My senses are heightened, but I couldn't hear anything besides his heartbeat.

''AMELIA! Are you even listening?'' Ron said with two butterbeers in his hand.

The moment stopped; I could hear everything again, back to reality.

Draco continued to walk again, my eyes still following him.

He turned the corner, opening a small door.

He looked at me for a split second before shutting it.

And he was gone.

''Bloody Malfoy, what's he up to'' Ron said with a suspicious look on his face.

''You don't seem to like him'' I said while taking a sip of my butterbeer.

''Who does? He's just a bloody bully.'' He said. ''He brags about being a pure blood all the time''

''Can't argue with that one'' I said as I let out a scoff.

Ron went to the bathroom a little while later. I was getting ready to leave when he got back.

I was putting my jacket on when I heard the tiny door open again.

Draco was the one to get out. When he noticed I was alone, he came over to my table.

He put his hands on the table while still standing up, leaning forward to my face.

''What the fuck are you doing here with bloody Weasley?'' he asked with furrowed eyebrows and his eyes filled with anger.

''Didn't know you cared what I do, Draco'' I said confidently as I got closer to his face.

''I don't! I just-'' he paused for a second, thinking of what to say. ''You just what? Just do what you're good at Draco, push me away again.'' I said as I got up from my chair.

''Is there a problem here, Malfoy?''

I noticed Ron was back from the bathroom and was standing next to me.

''You are my bloody problem, Weasley.'' He said as he stepped closer to him. ''shove off Malfoy! Leave her alone'' Ron said as he threw his arm around me, which made Draco even more angry.

I saw that he was ready to beat the living soul out of him as he got closer.

I quickly got in the way by standing in front of Ron, looking up at Draco.

''Draco, stop.'' I said quietly so only he could hear. His eyes were still focused on Ron. ''Draco, please look at me''

It finally worked; he was focused on me again. His grey eyes that were filled with anger a minute ago, changed. He calmed down when he looked at me, the anger faded away.

''C'mon Ron, let's go home'' I said.

We walked away, I figured it was the best thing to do before Draco tried to hurt him.

We walked out of the shop. I looked on last time through the big glass windows,

He was still looking at me.

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