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We pulled up into the driveway of a really nice house on the water, "We're here" Will spoke, turning off the car, "This is where we're staying?" I said in awe, my brother nodded his head. He got out of the car and came over to my side, after long car rides he always had to help me out or else I'd pass out. 

Once we were both out of the car, we grabbed our bags and walked up to the front door, I rang the doorbell. A blonde girl around my height answered, "Will!" she said pulling him into a hug, "Hi Niki!" "This must be Willow" she held out her hand, "Hi, Nice to meet you" I gave her a gentle smile that she returned. 

"Tommy," she yelled, "Willow is here" there were fast footsteps coming from the stairs, the tall blonde had an excited look on his face, I waved at him, he did the same. Tommy was a lot taller than I was expecting. 

"Oi Willow, come here" he gusted, I followed him upstairs, "You and Will are in the room next to me and Tubbo" he showed me the room, it had a beautiful view of the water, we had a small private beach as our backyard. 

"It's lovely," I said sitting my things down, Tommy gave me a smile, "come on, I want you to meet Toby" he eagerly ran out of the room into his across the hallway, "Toby, this is Willow" The shorter brown-haired boy looked at me for a moment, "You're Wilbur's sister, right?" "Yep," "It's nice to meet you," "Nice to meet you as well". 

I went back into my room and set up a few of my things before I heard Will call my name, "Coming" I yelled. I went downstairs and saw a group of adults, "What's up Will?" I questioned, "I want you to meet Fundy, George, and Minx" he pointed to each of them as he said their names. 

I waved to each of them, "Hi". "We're all gonna head down to the beach, would you like to come?" Niki asked me, I looked at Will then back at Niki, "Um, no thank you, but I appreciate the offer!" she just gave me a smile and nodded her head. 

As I went upstairs, I passed the two boys who were making their way down. "Wait, WIllow"  "Yeah?" "Why aren't you coming down to the beach with us?" "Oh, I'm not really supposed to go into the water, it also freak's Will out a bit," I told him. 

"I think you should come, we won't go that deep in, I'll stay with you the entire time, Promise" he persuaded me, I thought about it for a moment, "I'll meet you down there" I spoke, a smile came across his face as he nodded his head. 

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