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I ended up going back inside and laying down for a little while even though I felt alright, I knew I had sacred Will a bit as well as everyone else. There was a small porch in Tommy and Toby's room where I was sat looking down at everyone,  watching them. I hadn't seen Will that happy in a long time, he had a genuine smile on his face which warmed my heart. 

"Willow?" a voice said from behind me, I saw Tommy standing there, his blonde hair damp and messy, "Hey Tom"  he came out and sat down on the bench next to me, "How are you feeling?" "I feel fine, I have a bit of a headache though," I said glancing over at him, "I'm sorry" "Don't be, it's okay, nothing I'm not used to"  

The two of us sat there in silence for a little while, just taking in the view. It was one of those rare really nice summer days. It was warm with a gentle breeze, the sky was a shade of light blue with only a few clouds to be seen.

"Do you wanna go on a walk?" Tommy suggested, "Sure, but give me like 20 minutes, okay?" he nodded, I got up off the bench and went into my room. I took a quick shower washing off the smell of the ocean and changed into some loose grey shorts and a tank top. 

There was a knock on my bedroom door, "Come in" Tommy and Toby walked into the room, "Is it alright if I come along?" Toby asked, "Of course" I spoke giving him a smile that he returned. 

We walked out the front door and decided to go into town and just walk around a bit, "Hey Willow?" Toby started, "Yeah?" "If you don't mind me asking, what happened earlier today? you know at the beach" I went on for the next few minutes explaining what p.o.t.s is and how it affects me. 

After a little while of walking we stopped and a local coffee shop, sitting down outside. A waitress came outside, "Hello, what can I get you all?" she asked, "Can I please get an iced coffee with creamer?" I spoke, "I'll have what she's having," Tommy said, "So will I" I let out a soft laugh, "Do you two not drink coffee?" both of the books shook their heads. 

There was a gentle breeze that made my hair sway ever so slightly to the left, within a few minutes we got our drinks.  Everything was going great until I checked my phone. 

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