Khathu and Zethu

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Chapter 1

"You know Zethu"
My friend Thandile said to the two guys I am sure she also doesn't know.  One of them chuckled then offered me a smile, I guess he could see that I was mortified by this whole thing.
" That's Buzwe and I'm Khathu"
He said, then looked at me.
Khathu" Do we know you guys?"
I giggled then looked at Thandile, she was chatting up some girl. Thixo.
Me" No, she does that a lot, when she is trying to hook me up with someone"
Khathu" A lot?"
Before I could answer that, his friend pulled him and he focused on him.
Thandile" Kuthwa yi party ka bani le?"
I roared with laughter, because we were on our way home, then she saw all these cars and decided we should gate crash.
Me" I have no idea"
Thandile" No yet, let's get some alcohol and mingle"
Me" So risk our lives for free alcohol?"
She nodded
" Makes sense"
We shared a high five, then went inside the house.

"Zethu right?"
I nodded, he sat next to us.
Thandile" Khathu, never heard that one before"
Khathu" I am actually from Limpopo"
" Khathu is a TshiVenda name"
Thandile" Sabc 2"
Me" Hahahaa You are a fucken genius"
We both laughed, our friendship is the best part of my life. I met her and she forced me to live, she opened my eyes to so much. I love who I am when I'm with her.
Khathu" Tribalism?"
Me" Nope, sabc 2 because of Muvhango"
Thandile" So let's get out of here"
"You good sir are coming with us"
Khathu" My colleague is still in there"
Thandile" Let's ditch him"
Khathu and I giggled, she got up and tried to pull his arm. We all walk to the car.
Me" I'll drive"
Thandile" Giiiirl please"
She tossed the keys
" Drop me of at Alashan and don't you dare say anything"
Khathu" Who is Alashan?"
Me" It's a street, her boyfriend's res is there"
"We are not known for our decision making skills"
Thandile chuckled
Khathu" What are you known for?"
" I am curious"
Me" You know what they say about curiosity?"
Khathu" I was warned about Xhosa women when I moved here and here I am in a car with two Xhosa women. Clearly I don't listen to what people say"
Thandile" Warned about Xhosa women?, I need to hear this"
"Also is it me or are we not moving?"
Khathu and I laughed.
"Apparently Xhosa women are dangerous"
He said looking at me.
Me" You'll need to tell us more"
Khathu" I have just heard stories, Xhosa women are just not popular where I come from"
Thandile" Is it because their husbands used to chase after Xhosa women? And that's why you were warned against them? That would make sense"
" I don't think I'd ever marry into a family that automatically doesn't like me because ndingu mXhosa. The idea of constantly proving my worth sounds exhausting and there's also the fact that no matter what I do, it will always be associated with ubuXhosa bam. Nooooooo andifuni"
Me" So you've never dated a Xhosa girl?"
Khathu" No"
" I actually moved to PE five months ago, and before that I was in Pretoria and the Xhosa women just scared me because they fitted every stereotype I was warned against"
Thandile" Wanna hear something interesting? We are never warned about any tribe, yet our tribe faces so much slander"
Me" Preach"
Thandile" So you'd never date Zethu because she is Xhosa?"
She looked at him then he smiled at me.
Khathu" Hahaha aren't you ladies hungry?, let's go get something to eat"
Thandile" Okay but after that please drop me off at my boyfriend's place. I miss him"
" I also need to ask him if his parents warned him against dating Xhosa women"

It ended up being such an interesting night/morning. We all went to Kgaugelo's place, apparently he got the same warning but I guess he never listened because he has been dating Thandile since their first year. Khathu was 3 years older than me, I am 2 years older than Thandile.
" I should call it a night. Ndiphelile rha"
I said, it was a little after 3 a.m.
Khathu" Let's share an uber"
" Where are you going?"
I smiled
Me" My place is a street away from here"
" I'll drop you off since we kidnapped you"
Khathu" Thank you"

He just had to be in Newton park, I was so annoyed at how far his place was. Yet when we got to his complex and sat in the car, making small talk about everything. My need to sleep suddenly didn't matter.
" So why did you move to PE?"
I asked him
Khathu" Work, they sent me here and I didn't really have a choice"
Me" I can't imagine myself moving to another province. I love this place"
" It's all I have ever known"
Khathu" I plan on moving back home. I sort of have to move back home, that's what my parents and I always agreed on"
Me" I love my parents, but I am not as family oriented as you. I always worry that I'll end up with someone who loves their family so much. I can't imagine myself putting up with that"
Khathu" Do yoy have siblings?"
Me" Yea. I am lone wolf"
Thandile" But you want to get married and have children"
I nodded
Me" Marry the person not their family"
Khathu" Why are you single?"
Me" I loved someone who wasn't ready for love and he hurt me. I am now ready to dive in to the dating scene and see what happens next"
"Why are you single?"
Khathu" I am not"
" I am actually engaged"
Me" Must be nice"
Khathu" Being engaged?"
Me" Being in love"
Khathu" Anyone can experience love. It's not that rare"
Me" I meant romantic love"
Khathu" It will come to you"
"You shouldn't rush it"
Me" I don't so, maybe not now because now I am looking at someone whose engaged and all I can think of is what his lips taste like"
" I should probably go"
Khathu" They taste like Steers barbeque sauce and beeer. I don't think you are missing out on much"
He leaned in for a kiss, it was perfect and my honeypot gave a warmth of approval.
" Drive safe, text me when you get home"
He took my phone and punched in his number.
"It was nice meeting you Zethu"
I laughed
Me" That's not my name"
Khatu" But your friend said you are Zethu"
Me" That's how she and I met, she mistook me for someone she went to high school with. So I never wanted to interrupted her, I let her call me that because she was so sure I was Zethu. After she was done talking I told her I am not Zethu, so she calls me that as a joke"
He chuckled
Khathu" Then what's your name?"
Me" Xolisa"
Khathu" Hahaha Zethu you are full of surprises"
Me" Whatever. Get out of my car hahaha"
We kissed again
Khathu" Text me"
Me" I will"

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