Introduction and Story Details

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Hello! My name is Storm, and welcome to a project that's WAY too big for me! 

Okay, forget I said that. Actually don't, that's your warning that uploads might be slow, and that I might have to abandon this. I'm only doing this because I was hit by unignorable inspiration while showering. Does that happen to anyone else?

Okay, rambling aside, here are the general points of this story.

The cover was made by me. What do you guys think? I'm open to criticism, I almost never draw people.

BE WARNED! Violence and fighting and angst and emotional pain and torture and emotional strings and blood and tears and everything you fear is going to be something that comes up rather often! Blood and tears, and everything you fear. That rhymes!

REMEMBER! This book MIGHT contain a bit of shipping. I quite like it (NO RPFS!), so it might pop up. Shipping is not what this book is about, so it will be mild.


Grian is a Watcher. He has been his entire life. Born in, a Watcher is all he can be. But he escaped once. For a couple of precious months. He made friends, a concept he didn't understand at the time. Taurtis was kind to him, accepting him for who he was. The Watchers, however, were furious he had escaped. Instead of just ripping him back the moment they saw he was gone, they let him develop relationships with the people there. Once Grian returned to the End, then they'd take him.

They took him and ripped away everyone he loved. They broke him into a thousand shards. He vowed his life to getting revenge. He doesn't know how, but Grian is a determined spirit. However, when he is teleported to 'Hermitcraft', he is taken by surprise. Hermitcraft is a protected land. The Watchers can't get him there. He wants to stay. But the 'Hermits' don't want him there. They know Watchers. Grian wants to prove himself to them. Anything to get away from the Watchers. The Hermits don't know how to send him back, but they wish they could. No one trusts him. But, maybe, there is someone who will believe him. Maybe, one day, Grian's vengeance on the Watchers will come. 

Maybe, one day, Grian will know where he belongs.

If someone's already done a similar plot, then I apologize, I've never seen it anywhere. If you couldn't tell, Grian, in this AU, wasn't supposed to join Hermitcraft. Since he wasn't welcome, a lot of the first few events, like Tag, that happened at the very start of the Season, never happened. Unfortunately. A small sacrifice for AU.

I AM NOT GOING TO BE PUTTING WARNINGS AT THE BEGINING OF EACH CHAPTER! If you are uncomfortable with any of the things listed, then THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR YOU. I cannot emphasize that enough. All of the things I listed are going to be constant themes. 

At the beginning and end of the chapter, I will have some quick Author Notes. It will look similar to this:

Hi yes I'm the author, sorry for how long the upload took lol, ok chapter time.

Chapter chapter chapter omigosh PLOT TWIST aaaaaaaaaaaaa kapooooow nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa rainbows aaaaaaaaaaaaa the chapters will be a lot better than this I swear do do do filler ha-HA

I'd say that was a GREAT chapter! Yep! 10/10! Kill me!

Something like that. Except way better, please don't judge the book from THAT monstrosity.

I can't think of any more to say, so I'm gonna leave it here! Watch out for the next chapter! Uploads... might not be too often, due to this being my second book. No less than once a week. Bye!


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