~Trap Door~

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y/n pov

"So, that Potter boy. Is he single?" Ann asked me. "Yes. But we're eleven. I don't think we should be thinking about relationships further than friends," I answered. Half was true and half wasn't it. Yes, we're only eleven, but I always fantasize about what it might be like to date Harry. Over the past few months I've developed some feelings. Scratch that. Recognized my feelings. We had just finished exams and were walking to the courtyard when someone called us over.

"Y/n! Ann!" Harry was beckoning us over. We started heading towards Hagrid's when Harry's scar started to burn again. "Should we go to the hospital wing?" Ann suggested. "No. I don't think Madame Pomfrey can heal it. I think it's a warning," Harry replied. His face lit up in realization. I've been friends with Harry long enough to know what faces mean what. Call me a stalker all you want, but when you only have one best friend, you notice things.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd that all Hagrid wants is a dragon and a stranger just happens to have one. How many people carry dragon eggs in their pockets?" Harry asked rhetorically. "I can't believe I didn't see this before!" We ran down to Hagrid who was playing the flute. "Hagrid! Who gave you the dragon egg?" Harry asked hurriedly. "Well I didn' see his face. He kep' his hood up," Hagrid answered slightly taken aback. "Well he must've talked!" Harry tried egging some sort of information from Hagrid. "He asked what kin' o' creatures I looked after. I tol' 'im 'after a three headed dog a dragon'll be no problem!'" Hagrid explained. "And did he seem interested in Fluffy?" Harry kept interrogating. I finally started catching on and looked at Hagrid curiously. "O' course he was interested in Fluffy! It's not very common even in trade. Bu' I tol' him 'the secret to every creature is to know their weakness, take Fluffy fer example, play 'im some music and he's out like a ligh'!' (a/n I looked up Cerberus and Fluffy and they are exactly the same. That's why we have Cerberus and Fluffy as the same dog) I should not have tol' yeh that. I should not have tol' yeh that!" Hagrid scolded himself realizing what he said.

We ran away not bothering to look back at Hagrid who was calling for us. We burst into Professor McGonagall's office. "WE NEED TO SEE PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE!" Harry bellowed. "Professor Dumbledore is not here at the moment. He got an important owl from the Ministry and left immediately," McGonagall told us calmly. "He's gone? But this is important! It's about the Philosopher's Stone. Someone's going to try and steal it!" I whispered the last two sentences. "I don't know how you five found out about the stone, but I assure you it is perfectly safe. Now please go back to your dormitories quietly," McGonagall told us. Ugh!

 We started walking and Harry started talking, "It was Snape! And now he knows how to get past Fluffy!" Speak of the devil. "And what would 5 Gryffindors, such as yourselves, be doing inside on this wonderful day?" Snape's monotone voice sent shivers down my spine. I'm not scared of him, but his voice isn't exactly...pleasant. "Well, we go to school here!" I responded as Hermione stuttered. "Eventually, people are going to think...you're up to something." There was a brief pause before he dramatically exits. I rolled my eyes and faced Ann, Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

"We need to go down the trap door," Harry started. "Tonight," I finished. Everyone nodded or grumbled in agreement.

Time skip

We just entered the room with Cerberus in it. He was snoring soundly while a harp was playing. Great. Quirrel's already been here. "We have to move his paw!" I whisper shouted to the group. Ann wasn't with us. Sure she lives in hell, but she doesn't want to return there for being killed. She's a demon yes, but she can die. Unfortunately  feelings makes her mortal. Unlike gods demons can't have feelings. She's like a hybrid. Sort of.

"WHAT!" whisper screamed Ron. We ignored Ron's worried yell and proceeded towards his paw. We gently pushed it off of the trapdoor and opened it quietly. "I'm going to go in first. I will let you know if it's safe to come down. If anything happens get yourselves out. Does it seem a bit quiet to you?" Harry asks. The harp stopped playing. Everyone else must've panicked because now I was alone with Cerberus. I rolled my eyes and jumped into the trapdoor.

I was on some plant that started moving and trapping me in it's vines. It's devil's snare. Devil's Snare Devil's Snare, it's deadly fun but will sulk in the sun. My favorite rhyme from herbology class. I was so lost in thought and stayed still enough I dropped through. "AHH!" I screamed. "Forgot it would do that!" I screamed to my 3 friends still entangled with the plant. "Y/N! Y/N! Where are you!" Harry yelled. "This is the devil's snare. If you try to resist it'll only kill you faster!" Hermione explained, terribly for this situation. "Seriously! That's the worst way to explain it Hermione! They're scared enough as is," I scolded her. She dropped and apologized.

"Hermione!" the boys yelled. "For fu- ow! Mione!" I yelped. "Language!" she scolded. "For Merlin's sake! Just relax! You'll fall through!" I screamed emphasizing my new choice of words. Harry, miraculously, listened and came falling through the vines. "Harry!" Ron yelled. "He's not relaxing is he?" Hermione commented rhetorically. "Lumos Maxima!" I recited and now Ron finally came tumbling down through the vines.

"Lucky we didn't panic," Ron stated. I lunged at him but Harry was pulling me back. "Lucky y/n pays attention in herbology," Harry corrected. I'd like to correct Ron's face right now. Unfortunately, for an eleven year old, Harry is quite strong and was able to pull me back. We heard the sound of flapping wings and my attention was now in the doorway where the sound was coming from. I started walking towards the door, Harry still alert for Ron, to get to the noise. I saw flying keys. "I've never seen birds like these before," Hermione pondered. "They're not birds, Mione, they're keys," I corrected her, but not in a snobby way like Malfoy would.

"Alohomora," I heard Ron recite. The door is still locked. What a shocker. My thoughts are very sarcastic, I thought to myself. "We're looking for an old fashioned looking key," Ron stated looking up at the group of keys. "There it is!" Harry pointed at a very old fashioned key. "See! This is why he's a seeker!" I exclaimed. I high fived Harry and we focused on why we were there again. "If old Snape can get that key you can to Harry. You're the first, first year to be on the quidditch team in a century!" Ron encouraged Harry. Harry's hand hovered over the broom.

"What's wrong Harry?" Hermione asked. I then realized the problem. "It's too simple," me and Harry said in unison. "But if we want to stop Quirrel or Snape you have to do it.  I believe in you Harry!" I reasoned. He nodded and mounted the broom. All of the keys started to fly towards Harry and chased him around as he tried to get a hold onto the key we needed. "This complicates things a bit," Ron commented. "No shit sherlock!" I yelled back. Hermione hit my arm. I groaned. "Language!" we said at the same time. Me more mockingly.

"Stop fighting and catch the key!" Harry sped towards us and dropped the key to me. I rushed and unlocked the door. We all entered the room and Harry followed right behind us. I didn't move out of the way in time because the impact of Harry and the speeding broom knocked into to me. That's the last thing I remembered before I blacked out.

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