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Trauma trigger: dark lord meetings/abuse/ talk of torture/mild violence

Hey y'all ❤️ I don't own Harry Potter or Snape or anyone else in the Potter world, J.K. Rowling does. I own the original character within.

"Hello Severus, we weren't expecting you until later" the dark lord commented in his signature rasp as Severus walked into the darkened hall at Malfoy Manor.

"I managed to finish my duties early my lord" he answered coolly, glancing around at the faces of those determined to destroy the world as they all knew it

Those in the inner circle of the Death Eaters. The ones he needed to appease and persuade that he was doing the best job he could. Walking the line between keeping the students safe and proving to the dark lord that he was loyal to the cause. Truly, he was finished with the cause. It would be so easy for him to disappear.

But he couldn't disappoint Lily anymore. He had to do his own part to keep Harry safe. Even to the extent of losing his own life. He needed to prove that he could do the right thing. If anything, he needed to prove it to himself.

The snow began to fall outside the window, wind whipping back and forth on the empty grounds.

"A true allegiant" Voldemort assessed with what could only be called a celebratory wave, turning his face away to the table of death eaters.

Power corrupts totally especially those with shallow minds. Power gave delusions of grandeur that no weak minded fool could resist. That is why power was dangerous: the wise desperately shirked its weight and the fools were all too eager to seek and take it.

The hall doors banged open, the sound echoing off the walls. Lucius strut in with an unknown woman gripped to his side, her sharp face set in stone, copper gold hair wrapped tightly back in a high bun, fitted black dress sweeping the floor.

"I have a ministry official with me tonight my lord. As per your command" Lucius declared as he threw her to floor

She resisted the fall and stood, head held high.

"How wonderful. And what is your name, my dear" Voldemort oozed, already knowing but preferring to play with his food

"Head Director Unspeakable Lundgren" she replied back, not a wobble to her voice

"And what are the charges against you, Miss Lundgren" Voldemort asked as he walked closer to her

"Head Director Unspeakable Lundgren. And I do not accept the charges therefore I see no reason to repeat them" she said factually, no hint of arrogance

"How funny. So proud of your position. Proud enough to speak to the most powerful wizard in all the world with such brazen equality?" Voldemort leaned in close to her face, staring deeply into her eyes, performing Legilimency

She refused to look away, staring right back into his eyes, jaw set and shoulders straightened.

"I could kill you right now for this insubordination" he whispered in a hollow voice devoid of any sentiment

"Then do it. Because you won't get anything from me" she snarled, looking no where else but his eyes

Most cowered under the dark lord's gaze but not her; she stood with spite and honor. If those could be bottled in potion form, they would be lethal.

This was a woman who knew the unknown, bravely diving into it.

Severus awaited the swift curse, but none came. Instead the dark lord laughed. Sadistic glee. He stroked her chin as he explained

"But why would I kill you, whenever I could give so many the chance to try and break you? Bella, go first. But leave her alive for the others"

Bellatrix happily jumped up, dragging the woman by her arm to the other room. They all listened, some in awkward horror, others in anticipation of their turn. Because many wanted power and purity but were unable to stomach how that actually came about.

By death and abuse. Those were the cowards. Neither stomach nor spine strong enough to handle war.

But no sound came: Bellatrix, Rudolfo, Lucius, and finally him.

"Severus. Finish her off. Dispose of the body. I have grown tired of this game. Bring me the information when you're done" Voldemort instructed him as he walked out of the hall into the living room where he would begin interrogating the members that arose suspicion with him at the last meeting.

Severus walked into the room, the woman fighting to stand from her place on the floor. Blood pouring out of her mouth, face bruised, nose broken, gripping her ribs as she tried not to show her wince.

He gave her credit. Many would have given information. Or screamed. Or played dead. But she refused to give in. He attempted to penetrate her mind, but even in her incapacitated state she held strong. Only visions of what had just happened remained present. Her Occlumency shields impressive and intact.

Who was she?

"Headmaster" she wheezed in a labored tone, leaning against the window ledge

"Yes. And you would be?" he pressed, staying in his spot, wand in his hand

"Why does it matter? I am simply another faceless and nameless murder. No one will know what happened to me. All the lies and propaganda. Smear campaigns. Why does it matter who we are? All that matters is how we die" she gasped, coughing up blood which she spit on the ground angrily

She wasn't wrong. No one would know and possibly no one would care. That was true for all of them. True for him as well. He could die with no one knowing the truth. But that was a choice he had made. And that he would have
to live with.

"It doesn't matter. You're right. Give me anything to tell them. Let down your occlumency shields for one moment" he lay down his wand, the weight of humanity heavy and solid in his chest

"Don't be a traitor to your Master. They sent you in to kill me so do it. I know what you've done Severus Snape. Don't pretend to be what you're not" she growled at him, straightening up as much as she could with what appeared to be several broken ribs

"It is up to me and me only to decide what a traitor is. And you don't get to name me either. Perhaps if you gave me some information, I could turn away after" he surmised, looking to the window

He lay down his wand, slowly walking over to her, working away at her Occlumency. He saw a boy, with the same copper hair and gigantic smile. She twirled him around in the air, hugging him closely, the sound of his giggles piercing the air. Ministry papers came into view, the information blurred. A dinner eaten by fireside. A bedtime book with the little boy. A paper came into view: decree for the extinction of all witches and wizards with less than fifty perfect magical blood. She refused to comply for magical testing, sending out the papers with an owl, and the next memory was of her arrest.

"That is all. Now do what you will. Only we get to define who we are, despite what everyone else sees" he told her staunchly, her eyes wide in fear.

She loved her son. Loved for her child. Wanted to see him grow and learn. Laughed with him. Fed him and clothed him. Played games with him. He, Severus Snape, would never betray the love of a mother again. He would never betray love in search of power or respect again.

Real love sought neither power nor the upper hand. He had perhaps learned that too late for some lives, but not this one.

Turning to get his wand, he heard the window open. He didn't look back.

He was no traitor.

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