Part One

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Armin's POV

I've been in this class for I don't know how long since I haven't been paying much attention. It doesn't usually happen but today is different. I've been freaking out about the fact that since I was in such a rush to leave for school, I forgot to make my bed and wash the plate I used for my speedy breakfast.

Now, I know it sounds weird to be freaking out about that for a lot of people. Though, when it comes to my parents, everything I do must be perfect in their eyes or I will be in huge trouble. After this class I will have my final class of the day, which is my favorite, Art.


Even though I haven't been paying attention, I can still here faint noises from around me.


Hey! There it goes again! Who is that? And why are they calling my name?


I widen my eyes once I hear the voice call out my name louder than it was before. Come to find out, it's my math teacher.

"Uh, yes sir?"

"Well Mr. Arlert. If you think that you can drift off in my class and obviously not receive the information I'm giving you, I've come to the conclusion that you don't need my teaching. If that is so, why don't you answer the question on the board for me?"

"Uh, ok"

I look up to see a question on the board for the current lesson we are learning.

"I'll give you at most three minutes to figure this question out. Class, stop what you're doing and let Mr. Arlert concentrate."

After my teacher says that, i notice that multiple people turn their gazes towards me.

Well, this isn't nerve-wracking at all.

Anyways, I wait to get to work on the problem as he gets out a timer for me. Of course he was serious about the three minutes.

"You may begin."

Though this was the most embarrassing thing that can happen right now, especially since I wasn't paying attention at all, I still pulled through.

Thankfully, I got the answer correct and was told not to wander off again. I don't know how that will work since I have some distracting thoughts going in my mind. Honestly, I just hope to get called in to work at the toy store near by. It may not be the best place to work for most people because of the screaming children that are a common species in that store. For me though, I find it as a safe place at the moment. Especially when I'm stocking up the stuffed animals. They're so soft and I absolutely love soft things. They kind of take my mind off of what's going on at home.

Soon, the bell rings, indicating that we must head to the last period on our schedule. Mine was art, which is my favorite class at school.

Along with stuffed animals and their softness, art also has its way of calming me. I mean, there are so many things that you can do that not only makes me happy with my work but calm at the end of a stressful day.

I soon make it to my favorite class and walk inside. Since I'm the only one in my friend group to have this class right now, I decided to sit in the far back right to avoid having to talk to people. This also doesn't help me to remember the people in this class since I don't pay attention to much other than hearing my name for attendance, the teacher, and my art work.

As soon as everyone is seated, the teacher begins to speak.

"Alright students. So I know that in this class I allow you to usually do what you want but today and for a little while we will be doing something different. I have assigned you all a project that you will have with your partners. I have also decided to chose your partners myself as I have noticed that you guys like to stick together and not get to know people outside of your groups." After our teacher says this, all you could hear in response from the class was a groan of annoyance.

"Hopefully, this will help you guys to meet new people and make friends." She says with a smile.

"Alright, I will begin by reading off the partners for you all and then I will tell you what you will be doing."

Ellie and John
Cassie and Aliza
Kylyn and Paris
Bella and Blake
Petra and Lauren
Mike and Cameron
Erwin and Sarah
Armin and Hanji
Levi and Mitchell

"For this project, you will have to choose an artist to research about. Along with that, you will also have to research and explain the techniques they used for their art. I want a typed out report of what you have researched and I also want you guys to make a PowerPoint of the information to present to class in two weeks."

Uh, 1k reads on my first story!?
You people are mental. Anyways, thank you so much for reading that if you are one of the people that did. If you aren't that's completely fine. I hope you enjoy my second story!


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