EXTRA:🌲🎊Christmas Special🌲🎊

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A/N: It is a bit late but here it is!


The SPR made noise as the clock hit midnight. They all made a toast and greet each other. They sang Christmas carols and eat food. The adults also drank some liquor to celebrate. They were happy and although Naru didn't show much of expression, Mai and Lin knew he was enjoying it.

They took some pictures- though Naru's a bit reluctant. Lin also had copies of it and sent it to Madoka and the Davis Couple with Christmas greetings attached.

"So, since it's past midnight, who will open his/her gift fist?" Bou-san asked in excitement.

"Me! I will open mine first!" Mai joyfully answered and went to the Christmas tree to find the one that has her name on."

They sat in a semi-circle beside the tree and watch Mai get a small rectangular box wrapped in Christmas wrapper from under the tree. She shook it and made a faint noise.

"Open it! Open it!" Ayako urged as Mai slowly destroy the cover. Bou-san and Ayako almost choked when they saw an iPhone box after the wrapper was discarded.

"An iPhone?! Seriously? That is an expensive gift. Who is the sender?" Bou-san asked and look around.

"Me." They saw Masako raising her head while looking down. There is a tinge of red on her face as she said that.

"Wow, Masako, this is an expensive gift. Thank you." Mai responded as she smiled at her.

"W-well, compared to the phone I damage on our first meeting, this is nothing!" Masako answered and covered half of her face with her sleeves.

"First meeting?"

"Ah. When I save her from falling from the second floor of the old school building, my phone's screen broke. I am surprise you still remember that. Thank you! I love you, Masako." Mai said, teasing her in her last sentence.


"Masako-chan, you're next!" Bou-san said and Masako nodded at him. It didn't take long for her to open up the big square box in her arms.

When she opened it, she saw a modern pink dress that have bling around the waist.

"Whoa. A dress. Come to think of it, I never saw Masako wear another style aside from kimonos." John noted as he look at her.

"Yeah. I hate it when I picked your name but I decided to buy you a decent gift. Come, thank me." Ayako arrogantly smirked at her as Masako glared at her. Mai, who is watching from the side interrupted them after smelling the start of an argument.

"Lin-san, open yours!" she quickly said and look at him with expectant eyes.

Lin sighed and went to the Christmas tree. He picked up a box and pulled the strips of the ribbon without any say. His box is as big as Masako's so they wonder what his gift is.

When he lift the box's lid, the others went closer and peek inside the box. It is a bag that is designed to contain laptops and cameras. And of course, John being John, he added an improvised Christmas card inside.

"Uhm. It is from me. During our case in Yuasa High, I saw that the strap of the bag that you use to put in your laptop is a bit damaged so I bought you a new one. I hope you like it." The young priest calmly said in his Kansai accent and bowed.

And Lin being Lin bowed back and said 'Thank You' without saying more. Ayako went next and was gifted a make-up palette by Lin. She tried to flirt with him after that but she just embarrassed herself when Lin ignored her.

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