Jessie Karlton, the renowned preppy Queen of prestigious Kyde Private High has to be enggaged to the King of the school, Landon Park. Having to be in the same school as Landon since Jessie was in pre-school, they know each other well but they never relate with each other well. The reason? Jessie hates his self-absorbed character and his shallowness while Landon identifies her as a stuck up brat. So what happens when they are forced to be engaged to each other? Of course, they still hate each other but will the hatred they have for each other remain? Or will the hate change into something unexpectable, something beyond their imagination? When Jessie finally learns that Landon is not as shallow and cocky as he potrays himself to be? And all those smirks and dry remarks are just a wall he had built as an arena of safety. Or When Landon finally learns that Jessie is not as cheerful as she always potrays herself to be and her life is not as perfect as everyone thinks? -------- Seal The Deal.
33 parts