Chapter 6

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After I fell asleep, I had a strange dream.

I was in a strange landscape, a ruined city.

I had seen cities like these before but this one looked less old than those and there were trees and grass around which indicated this was before the desertification encroached upon Korea. 

I was looking around when I saw a giant airship rise into the air and drop numerous bombs.

The ground shook as the bombs exploded.

I heard screams and people running away.

A huge army of exo soldiers marched forward, firing at the survivors fleeing. 20 more airships rose into the air and began dropping the familiar payload we all heard about. 

The plague bombs.

The scene changed as I saw people curling on the ground and in pain as the virus took them over. They shook once before becoming still. Dead.

A little boy and girl cried over the corpse of a man as he clung to life.

A tear rolled down his face before the light faded from his eyes.

The scene changed again and I saw the little boy and girl now grown up staggering away from a battle.

The grown-up boy staggered to the ground, his left leg missing.

"Leave me. Please." He begged.

"No. I can't leave you too. You're all I have left." The grown-up girl said as she cried.

"It's too late for me." The boy said and he took a deep breath before smiling. "It's alright. The virus would have claimed me eventually if I had survived this. At least, I'll be with mom and dad now."

The girl cried as the boy winked at her before stilling and closing his eyes.

The scene changed once again as it showed the girl leading a charge against a huge fortress, vengeance in her eyes. 

"This is for you, brother." She whispered as she grasped a small cylinder and threw it.

"Y/n? Y/n!!!!" A voice pierced through my dreams and I woke up, gasping.

"Y/n!! Are you alright?" Tzuyu asked, worry written all over her face. "You were crying."

"Tzuyu....s-sorry about that." I said looking down. "It was just a nightmare."

She hesitated a little before hugging me tightly.

I buried my face into her chest and wrapped my arms around her.

"Don't be sorry." Tzuyu said rubbing my back. "It's okay now. It was just a nightmare."

"It seemed so real though." I murmured.

"Well....what's real is right now. So focus on me." She said kissing the top of my head.

I took a deep breath.

"Okay. I think I'm fine now." I said and tried to pull away.

But Tzuyu held me firmly.

"Tzuyu?" I said.

"Just. Stay like this a bit more." She said taking a deep breath.

"Okay??" I said frowning and buried my face into her chest again.

At the time, I couldn't tell she was blushing hard. 

After a while, Tzuyu let go of me and said that dinner was ready.

She then proceeded to once again carry me to the living room.

Ran was there handing food out to everyone.

"Hey Y/n. Nice to see you again. Thought you were dead." She said.

"Haha. Very funny. Just give me my food." I said holding my hand out.

Ran handed me a small bowl of some soup that had tofu in it.

"Tofu? How did you get these?" I asked.

"Apparently, we had some stored away in the back of the pantry." Ran said.

Dang it. She found my secret stash. Chaeyoung thought.

"I have some questions for all of you. I understand all of you may have questions for me." Jihyo said. "So I will ask first."

"Okay." I said and started eating.

"What's your first question?" Jeongyeon said.

"I said I would be asking the questions first." Jihyo said raising her eyebrow.

Jeongyeon sighed as we all chuckled.

"What do you guys know about the Exo War?" Jihyo asked.

"Well, it happened a long time ago. Almost 200 years ago if I remember correctly." Chaeyoung said.

"It was started by the Rogue." Jeongyeon said.

"The Rogue?" Jihyo said frowning.

"That's the name for whoever or whatever caused the exos to suddenly act up and try to kill all humans." Jeongyeon explained.

"The rogue exos started a genocidal campaign against all of humanity. First they took out the military, which was easy for them since the exos were basically 90% of all military forces of any country able to produce them. Then, they launched fusion bombs against major cities. Finally, they went after the survivors." Tzuyu said sitting me on her lap.

"Then, Chaos and Order appeared with their own armies and fought the Rogue. This allowed the survivors to form their own army and fought the other three. At some time, a virus was released by Order against the survivor human's army and weakened them. We don't know the exact details but the survivors lost in a major battle. After some time, Order and Rogue were apparently defeating in a pyrrhic victory for Chaos." I said.

"Hmmmm...." Jihyo said drumming her fingers against her bowl. "What about the virus? Is it still around?"

"Yep. Everyone is resistant to it now and know how to handle it but it stills kills a lot of people yearly." Tzuyu said shrugging.

"Hmmmmmm....I'm going to sleep." Jihyo said and walked away, leaving her empty bowl.

"What's up with her?" Ran asked.

"No idea." I said and finished my meal. "I'll be going now."

"No." Tzuyu said glaring at me.

"But Tzuy-" I started before I looked down meekly at the look Tzuyu gave me.

"We never got to ask her questions." Jeongyeon said. 


A little world-building going on in this chapter. 

Also, why did Jihyo ask about the Exo War?

See you next chapter!!!!

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