Chapter 12

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Jeongyeon POV

I laughed as I saw Ran embarrassing herself. 

Man. I saw that one coming but I still cracked up at that. I thought wheezing. 

Chaeyeon looked at her with a confused look while Ran blushed in embarrassment. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name?" Chaeyeon said and tilted her head at Ran. 

"I-It's Ran." Ran stammered looking down.

"Ah. And your last name?" Chaeyeon asked.

"Umm....i-it's.....L/n" She stammered looking down with a blush. (LMAO. I actually don't know what to put here for Ran's last name).

"Ah. L/n Ran." Chaeyeon said with a smile before placing a hand on Ran's shoulder. "Nice to meet you. Sorry I couldn't understand you very well-"

"N-No! I-It's alright!!" Ran exclaimed before blushing in embarrassment. "I-I meant that it's alright."

Chaeyeon chuckled a bit and smiled at Ran.

"Thank you but you didn't let me finish." She said.

Ran's eyes widened and she opened her mouth to say something when Chaeyeon placed a finger over her mouth.

"As I was saying, I heard what you said towards the end and I'll think about your proposal. I assure you that's better than what I've done for most people." She said with a smile before sliding a ring off of her finger and putting it on Ran's right ring finger. "Think of this as a promise ring."

Chaeyeon winked at Ran and Ran stared back with a shocked expression before collapsing.

Chaeyoung caught her before she could hit the floor.

"Oh dear. Is she alright?" Chaeyeon asked looked at Ran with concern.

"Yes. She's fine. Just shocked is all." Chaeyoung said with a smile.

"Thank goodness, I can't have my possible fiancee dying, can't I?" She said before looking at Chaeyoung. "What is your name, by the way?"

"Oh it's Son Chaeyoung." Chaeyoung said before sitting Ran down in one of the chairs.

"Nice to meet you Son Chaeyoung." Chaeyeon said and shook Chaeyoung's hand.

"And who might you be?" She asked me. 

"My name is Yoo Jeongyeon." I said smiling.

"Well, hello Yoo Jeongyeon. I hope we can be great acquantances in the future." Chaeyeon said smiling back and shook my hand.

"Now Jihyo, onto our business. Do you have it?" She asked Jihyo.

Jihyo glanced at us before turning towards Chaeyeon. 

"Let's go into a secure location first." She said. 

"Of course, I already have one prepared." Chaeyeon said and gestured for Jihyo to follow her. 

"It was nice seeing you, Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu. Oh, and Ran, keep an ear out for my answer." She said and winked at Ran. 

Ran who was getting up collapsed again onto the seat when she saw Chaeyeon winking at her. 

We waved at Chaeyeon until she and Jihyo disappeared around a corner. 

Me and Tzuyu made eye contact before we glanced at Ran who had recovered and was sitting with a dazed look.

Chaeyoung noticed it and raised her eyebrow. 

"Wow Ran. I didn't think that the badass girl would turn into pudding so quickly." I said snickering. 

"Yeah. You used to go on and on about how you would confidently go up to Chaeyeon and confess your feelings." Tzuyu said smirking.

Ran glared at us and held up her middle finger. 

"Frick you guys. At least I confessed my feelings, unlike you Tzuyu." She snarled. 

"W-What?!" Tzuyu exclaimed before blushing. "Don't say that so loud!!"

"Ooooh. She got you good there Tzuyu." I said whistling. 

"Urgh. Whatever." She said before turning around to stomp away.

"Where are you going Tzuyu?" Y/n asked walking towards us with a cast on her arm. 

Tzuyu yelped in surprise and slipped and fell.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Me, Chaeyoung, and Ran laughed pointing at Tzuyu. 

She blushed in embarrassment and went back onto her feet. 

"Are you okay, Tzuyu?" Y/n asked with a concerned expression. 

"Yeah." Tzuyu said glaring at us before turning back to Y/n with a worried expression. "But are you okay?"

"Yep!" Y/n said cheerfully before showing us her cast. "Chase said that my arm bones only had some small fractures and there was some large bruising. But the doctors took care of those problems easily, we just need to wait a few days or two for my bones to heal."

"Well that's a relief." I said before walking forward and hugging Y/n. "I was really worried you know."

"Well, you didn't really look worried." She teased.

"I just didn't show it." I said before leaning down and kissing her cast before leaning forward quickly and pecking her cheek. 

Y/n's eyes widened and she stared at me with a surprised expression. 

"H-Hey, you hentai!!" Tzuyu exclaimed and did a triple backflip flying dragon roundhouse kick at me. 

I cursed and ducked.

"Someone save me!" I exclaimed and rolled away from one of Tzuyu's mega-charged low snarling-tiger punch.

Chaeyoung POV

"I was worried too. I'm glad there's no major problems." I said and hugged Y/n.

She giggled and said, "Thanks for worrying about me Chaeng."

I smiled and nodded.

"Of course, who else would cook for us. Ran only does it when we force her too." I said.

"Wha-Hey!!" Ran said and smacked me. "That's just not true."

She sighed and then looked at Y/n.

"Well, I'm just glad you're going to be alright. If something had happened to you....." Ran said looking away.

Y/n walked forward and hugged her. 

"Don't worry about it. I know what you mean." She said and grabbed Ran's hand.

After a while, Y/n said, "By the way, what's this ring on your hand?"

"Oh that, well..." Ran started. 


OMGodJihyo!!! Sorry I didn't update for a while. I just had a lot on my plate so I wasn't able to work on anything!!!

I'm so sorry!!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter at least.....

See you next chapterss!!!!!

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