Chapter 4

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I aimed my exo pistol at Jihyo.

"So? You told us your name but not a reason to trust you." I said.

"Yeah. Give us a reason to not pull this trigger." Jeongyeon said.

"Well for starters, I know that those won't kill me. But that's not very reassuring is it?" Jihyo said. "Well, here's a reason. I'm with Chaeyeon." 

"Chaeyeon?" I asked and lowered my exo pistol.

Chaeyeon was the leader of the largest settlement in the area. So that means whoever works for her is under her protection and if you harm anyone under her protection....well you're not going to be harming anyone else that's for sure.

Also....she's hot. I thought before slapping myself. No. Just because you might have a small crush on her doesn't mean you can get distracted.

"Also, I can help you guys with whatever you need." Jihyo said.

Jeongyeon eyed her before lowering her exo pistol.

She sighed and glanced at Y/n who was still aiming her exo pistol.

I gestured to her to lower it and she slowly lowered the pistol.


I still stared at Jihyo as I lowered my pistol.

"You'd better not try anything." I warned her.

"Understood." Jihyo said examining her knife.

Jeongyeon grabbed the sled and started dragging it towards base with me on it.

Ran kept an eye on Jihyo and had a hand on her exo pistol the whole time.

Jihyo grabbed her mask and pulled it off.

Our eyes widened as a literal goddess of beauty appeared in front of us.

"What?" She asked as her short hair bounced slightly in the wind. 

Fudge. She's too perfect. I thought as I stared at her face. 

"Let's get going." Jihyo said with an exasperated tone suggesting she's gone through this multiple times.

Now that I think about it....Tzuyu is as pretty as her. I thought before I jumped a bit in the sled. Wait...why didn't I notice that Tzuyu was pretty before?

I shrugged and stared at Jihyo as she walked behind us.

Well....she's my friend so it's understandable. I thought.

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

I quickly glared at her, trying to hide the fact I was admiring her features.

Ran just sighed at me and glared at Jihyo as well.

"Why were you fighting those exo soldiers anyway?" Ran asked Jihyo.

"Oh you know. I was travelling and I ran into them." Jihyo said waving her hand dismissively. "I had them though. Really."

"Mhmm." Ran said.

"Where are you from?" Jeongyeon asked. 

Jihyo paused.

"I'd rather not divulge that information." She said.

We frowned at her but didn't press the question any further.

"What's that knife? As far as I know, there's almost nothing that can pierce an exo's armor besides these exo pistols or their own weapons. All other weapons from the war are lost." I said.

"Found it." Jihyo said. 

"Where?" Ran asked.

"In a place." She said.

"And where is that place?" Jeongyeon asked.

Jihyo paused.

"Why are you three interrogating me? I've already proven that I mean you no harm." She said.

"Not really." I muttered.

She gave me a look.

"Just making sure." Jeongyeon said before looking at me with a concerned expression.

'I'm alright.' I mouthed at her.

She sighed but kept dragging the sled.

We walked in silence for a while after that.

"We're coming up on the base." Jeongyeon said.

"That broken house is your base?" Jihyo asked.

"Do you see any better place around here?" Ran asked.

Jihyo remained silent. 

We walked into the garage.

"Hey guys!! Great news!! I've managed to get the Buggy working!" Chaeyoung exclaimed.

"Wow really? That'll help us a lot then." Jeongyeon said.

"But...err...Chaeyoung? We have a guest." I said.

Chaeyoung looked at Jihyo and her jaw dropped.

"U-Uhh...ummm....w-what? W-Who are y-you?" Chaeyoung stammered.

"We found her in the place where we were heading to this morning fighting off 5 exo soldiers." Ran said.

Tzuyu walked into the garage at that exact moment.

"You guys are bac....." Tzuyu said before her voice trailed off upon seeing Jihyo.

"Why is this always you guys' reaction?" Jihyo asked with a hand on her hip.

"Ummm....who are you?" Tzuyu asked.

"My name is Jihyo and these three rescued me." She said. "I presume you two are friends of these three?"

"Just friends...." Tzuyu muttered.

Jihyo cocked her head at Tzuyu curiously.

"Y-Yeah!! I'm their friend." Chaeyoung said.

"Well. Do you have a place where I can rest? I'm exhausted." Jihyo said.

"Yeah. We have a makeshift couch in the living room." I said. 

"That will do." She said and walked inside.

"Okay what?" Tzuyu said after Jihyo went inside. 

"We'll explain more later. Right now, Y/n needs medical attention." Ran said.

"What?!" Tzuyu exclaimed and rushed over to me. "Where are you hurt?"

"H-Hey!! I'm fine!" I protested before wincing.

Tzuyu gave me a look so cold that even Antarctica would feel warm.

"Yes ma'am." I said meekly.

She lifted up my shirt and saw the makeshift bandage Jeongyeon had made.

Tzuyu lifted it and saw my wound.

"You're coming with me." She said and lifted me.

I yelped in surprise.

"W-What are you doing?!" I exclaimed as Tzuyu rushed me to her room.

Jeongyeon followed close behind her.

"Aren't you going to follow them?" Jihyo asked Ran.

"They'll take care of her just fine." Ran said. "Now...onto the matter of where to keep you."


Yeah!! An update!!!!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

See you!!!!

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