Chapter 8

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Chaeyoung POV

I grabbed my exo pistol and sprinted out of the room.

I spotted the giant exosaur aiming its cannons at Y/n and Ran.

"Hey you big ugly walking fossil fuel!!! Over here!!!" I yelled.

It turned towards me and roared.

Then, the cannons on its head fired at me.

Oh fudge! I thought and dropped to the ground.

The blasts from the cannons peppered the wall and destroyed more of the house.

Well.....there goes our base. I thought to myself.

The exosaur roared again and was about to charge forward but Y/n and Ran shot at its eye causing it to stumble backwards.

Jihyo appeared out of nowhere and jumped high into the air before slashing off another one of the exosaur's head cannons.

It roared and fired its cannons wildly at the house.

The roof started collapsing as all the walls crumbled.

Tzuyu and Jeongyeon ran out of the room just as the roof of the room collapsed.

"Dang it. Now we have to find a new base." Jeongyeon said.

"Let's focus on that giant exosaur first." Tzuyu said and helped me up.

The exosaur stomped the ground sending a wave of sand outwards.

Then, it aimed two of its cannons at us before firing.

We dodged out of the way but the explosion propelled us forward and we fell onto the first floor.

"Urghh!" I groaned as pain exploded all over me.

I gritted my teeth and forced myself up.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Y/n asked me helping me stand.

"Y-Yeah. I don't think anything is broken." I said shaking my head as my ears kept ringing.

Y/n nodded and helped up Tzuyu.

Jeongyeon just got up by herself and brushed off dust from her clothes.

The exosaur roared again and I saw Jihyo had tried to slash off one of its cannons again but missed.

It swiped at Jihyo with its tail but she dodged.

Ran and Jeongyeon started firing at it with their exo pistols making it stumble backwards.

It roared and charged at us.

I quickly rolled out of the way.

I got out my exo pistol and aimed at the eye.

I pressed the trigger but it only made a clicking sound.

The exo pistol had a red light on its handle.

Oh whoops. I thought to myself and I pumped the power pack handle.

"Chaeng!!! Watch out!!" Y/n yelled.

I looked up to see the exosaur charging at me.

Immediately, I rolled out of the way and the exosaur's foot missed me by barely an inch.

I aimed my exo pistol at its cannon and shot it.

The cannon sparked a little but remained intact.

It stomped the ground again and I slid backwards a bit from the force.

Jihyo jumped onto its back and stabbed her knife into one of its side cannons.

It spun around and shook itself, trying to dislodge Jihyo.

We all started firing at it as it roared and fired at its cannons at us.

I dodged a blast from one and shot at one of the cannons with my exo pistol.

The cannon's outer covering fell off and I saw several wires sticking out.

"Jihyo!!" I yelled and Jihyo looked where I was pointing.

She nodded and scrambled over to there.

The exosaur swung its tail and it slammed into Jeongyeon who flew into the garage and rolled across the floor.

"Jeongyeon!!" I cried out.

It aimed its cannons at me and fired.

I rolled forward and grabbed onto some planks that had become slightly dislodged to prevent from flying forward.

The exosaur roared as two of its large cannons fell off.

It fired its arm cannons at Y/n and Tzuyu.

Tzuyu dodged but Y/n got hit by a splinter of wood.

She winced but still kept firing at the exosaur.

The exosaur suddenly rolled onto its back.

Jihyo quickly jumped off and whirled around to see it getting up with its arm cannons aimed at her.

We all shot at the arm cannons but only managed to shoot off some armor plates.

Jihyo quickly threw her knife at one arm cutting it off but the other still shot a blast at her that flung Jihyo backwards.

"Fudge." I murmured.

The exosaur turned towards us and roared.

Wait a second. I thought and narrowed my eyes at it. 

I saw that its exo core was slightly exposed.

"Guys. Shoot there. It's exo core is almost exposed!" I yelled and everyone nodded before shooting at the location.

The exosaur shot at us with its two remaining head cannons and a blast slightly grazed my arm.

"Ugh!" I said groaning and looked at my arm to see only a mild burn though it stung.

Ran and Tzuyu shot at its exo core and the armor plates protecting it became dislodged and fell off.

The exosaur roared and fired its arm cannon which flung them backwards as they tried to dodge.

Y/n shot several times at its core but was forced to take cover as it fired all of its cannons at her.

I gritted my teeth and stood up only to see JIhyo streak out of nowhere and grab her knife before leaping up to stab its exo core.

It screeched and staggered around shooting wildly.

Suddenly, Jeongyeon came out of nowhere and said, "Mind if I borrow your exo pistol?" 

"No. H-How are you alive?" I asked looking at her in shock and she shrugged.

"Dunno." Jeongyeon said before grabbing my exo pistol and firing at the exo core.

Jihyo jumped off and several shots slammed into it before it sent out a burst of energy and the light coming from it dimmed.

The exosaur took a wobbly step forward before collapsing with a roar.

"Well..........." I said and everyone looked at me. "That went well."


So? How was the update?

Anyway, there's a lot more of exosaurs like this walking around the desert.

So beware!

Okay, see you next chapter!!!!

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