Chapter 18

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"Uhhh.....she is....someone?" I said frowning at the girl in my arms. "What's your name again?"

"S-Sorry." The girl said with an embarrassed look on her face.

She dusted imaginary dust off of herself and got out of my arms. 

Chaeyoung just raised her eyebrows at me.

I just shrugged at her, before silently crossing my legs a bit. 

"*AHEM* My name is Kim Dahyun. I am the Chancellor of War in this city under the direction of Lee Chaeyeon." The girl said in a professional voice. "I just came here to pay you all a visit."

"Oh..." Chaeyoung said yawning. "That's great."

"What she means to say is..." I said covering her mouth making her make a muffled groan in protest. " that we're wondering why someone like you would come visit US?"

"Well....err....I saw that you the center of some interesting events earlier." Dahyun said scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. "I wanted to see would be a threat to this city."

"Oh really? Well, we're really not a threat at all." I said taking my hand off of Chaeyoung's mouth. "Here, come inside."

"Thank you." She said and walked inside. 

"Hey! What was that for???" Chaeyoung whispered to me angrily. 

"You were embarrassing us in front of an important official." I whispered back. "What was I supposed to do, just let you yawn with that face of yours?"

"Hey!! What's that supposed to mean?" She whispered to me.

"Obviously, I meant that I don't want a yawn to ruin your flawless looks." I whispered sarcastically before fidgeting a bit. 

"Mhmm. That's what I thought." Chaeyoung whispered to me.

"What are you two whispering about?" Dahyun asked us. 

"O-Oh...we were...uhhh...talking about how much of an honor it is to have you here." I said to her.

"Oh? No need. I'm okay if you speak to me informally. I'm not the person to kill someone just because they might have spoken ill of me." Dahyun said chuckling.

"Well, if you say so." Chaeyoung and I said. 

"Is there more of you here?" She asked glancing around. "This is Ms. Park's place of residence, is it not?" 

"Well, yeah. But they're all asleep right now. Do you really want to meet them right now?" Chaeyoung asked. 

" It's fine. You two will do for now." Dahyun said and sat down delicately on the couch.

Me and Chaeyoung glanced at each other. 

We both sat down in front of her. 

"Do you want any refreshments or..." I asked fidgeting slightly but Dahyun just shook her head. 

"I am alright. Thank you for the offer though." She said with a small smile. 

"Now for what I am here to discuss." Dahyun said with a deep breath. "What exactly prompted you to come here besides the usual business? I have seen the reports from the gate guards and they say that only a couple of your group comes here from time to time to trade."

"Well, we got attacked." I said.

"By a really big exosaur." Chaeyoung said. 

"How big?" Dahyun asked with a sudden interest.

"Nearly the size of our house." I said.

"Which was over two stories tall." Chaeyoung said. 

"That is strange. What did this exosaur look like?" Dahyun asked. 

"It was kind of like those old tyallosaurus mex thingies I heard about." I said frowning as I tried to remember the exact name but another thought kept appearing at the back of my head. 

"You mean the Tyrannosaurus Rex." Chaeyoung corrected me. "Honestly, at least try to listen when I try to teach you some interesting information."

"I do." I protested.

Dahyun chuckled at us and said, "I see you two are close. Well, what about those people that attacked you outside of the gates?"

"No idea what those are." I said shrugging before pinching my arm. 

"They were really creepy though." Chaeyoung said shivering. "They were kind of like robots. And they were extremely strong. Stronger than a normal human should ever be."

Dahyun frowned and said, "I've never heard of anything like that. It must be a recent threat. Maybe it could be some androids? Though I'm fairly certain any androids would have been long destroyed."

"They were most certainly, not a robot...physically at least." I said glancing away. 

"Ah." Dahyun said looking at me with eyes full of surprising concern. "Is it a difficult subject to talk about."

"Nah. It's just that I need to go to the restroom. I got a big load coming up." I said fidgeting.  

"What?" They both said looking at me with a shocked expression.

"What?" They both said looking at me with a shocked expression

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"Really right now?!" Chaeyoung asked. 

Dahyun just looked at me with a shocked expression.

"I mean....if you gotta go, you gotta go." I said standing up.

I started walking towards the restroom. 

Suddenly, I accidently tripped over my own feet. 

What the-?! How??!!! I thought as I lurched forward.

"Hey, what's going on out here?" A familiar voice asked in front of me. 

"Watch out!!" Dahyun exclaimed. 

"Wha-" I managed to say before I glanced forward and ran right into Tzuyu.

She raised her arms to catch me but my momentum carried me forward a bit too much and my face became buried in her chest and my forehead was carried forward so that Tzuyu kissed them accidently. 

"What in the world?" Jeongyeon and Jihyo said behind Tzuyu. 




This book has a new chapter. I mean, like, finally. Am I right?

Anyway, here's an ending song for this chapter. Something new I decided to try with this book. How do you like it?

Did you enjoy this chapter? 

See you next chapter!!!!!!!

Also for those who were wondering about Ran.


I sleep. Don't care. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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