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Exo War:

A 25 year-long global conflict that took place about 200 years ago. It ravaged the world with all countries left affected and even Antarctica was affected. The world's population was reduced by more than 4 billion people and the survivors of the conflict were forced to construct new settlements. This war also began a long fear of exos (robots that utilized an exo core).

It started suddenly without any warning catching the world's militaries off-guard when it began quickly resulting in the destruction of most of them.

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Seaching for Exo...






Term for robots manufactured by the Sakura-Choi Corporation who revolutionized the industry with their use of exo cores. Small orb-like devices that could generate surprising amounts of energy through miniaturized fusion reactions. They were utilized for almost everything and allowed a new golden age for humanity to arise as many people turned to academic and scientific pursuits as their everyday needs were met by the exos.

Top scientists, [Classified] and [Classified], researched the exos and also researched the human genome and human enhancements. They were the [Classified] during the Exo War. [Information Classified]

Many exos remain today but all are either dormant or spread apart across large areas. The numbers still operational today, however, are extremely small compared to the 2 billion exos estimated to be used during the war. 

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Exo Pistol:

A firearm developed during the war but perfected after the conflict. This is super-effective against exos as long as it strikes their cores as it will destabilize the crystalline matrix holding it together. It will only stun humans, even at the highest settings. They are powered by a box-like device that is hand cranked by a lever. 




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Yeah yeah. A new book. Yayyyyy. Anyway. This is the series I was working on.

I finally got to actually working on it. I hope you guys will like it. 

I know how everything goes so you ask me any question as long as it isn't a spoiler. 

See you next chapter!!! Remember to check out my other TWICE books as well. 

Not the other ones. Please. 

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