Chapter 17

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Third-Person POV

The sand swirled around as the wind blew across the dry desert landscape.

The night seemed peaceful. Insects flitted about and made chirping sounds.

Animals, asleep during the day, rose out of their dens to hunt and to roam.

They all scattered, however, when a large mechanical foot came down onto the sand.

The ginormous exosaur, almost twice as big as the one Y/n and Co. fought days ago, surveyed the landscape with its sensors and large glowing eye.

After a while, it made a small whirring and humming sound causing a large group of exosaurs, all different shapes and sizes, to approach.

All of them heading towards the city in the distance.


"Oh that. Because I don't have any clean clothes to wear right now and Jihyo's clothes are too big for me." Chaeyoung said in a raspy voice rubbing her eyes.

"I see. That makes sense. After all, you are pretty small." I said in a teasing voice.

"Oh shut it." She said with a groan and lightly kicked me before closing her eyes. "Y..You're lucky I'm tired right now. Otherwise, you were about to be in a world of hurt."

"Oh. I'm sure I would be." I teased and hugged her arms so they were pinned to her sides.

"Hmmph. Whatever." Chaeyoung muttered and shifted a bit before trying to go to sleep.

I giggled a little at her before closing my eyes to go to sleep as well.

Ahh. Teasing Chaeyoung is always fun. I thought to myself.

Tzuyu POV

Flipping Ostrich!! I thought to myself and groaned in annoyance as I lay on the bed. If it weren't for her, I would be sleeping with Y/ n right now.

"And I do NOT snore." I muttered.

Does she even actually have any feelings for Y/n or is she just playing around? I thought. Because if she is just playing around......

Jeongyeon POV

.....I'll probably get some new parts to upgrade my exo pistol. I thought to myself as I fell asleep. Tomorrow....then...confess to Y/n....

I clutched my pillow close to my body and fell asleep.

Jihyo POV

I looked outside the window as I lay on my bed.

I can't shake off this feeling of uneasiness. It's like....something bad is about to happen. I thought and looked at the night sky.

I smiled slightly as I remembered Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon, Tzuyu, Ran, and Y/n.

That group really does crack me up. I thought. Never thought I'd be attached to people like them.....although something feels off about Jeongyeon as well.

Well, whatever's the case, I'm going to have to check out that exo factory again tomorrow. I thought and closed my eyes.

Then I opened them slightly and peeked at the night sky.

Hmmmm.....I almost feel like nothing changed at all... I thought before closing my eyes.


This bed is really soft. I sure miss having beds like this around. I thought stretching my arms and legs.

"Well. Bed. I'm going to go to sleep." I said and flopped onto the bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

Dahyun POV

"Well, this is kind of relaxing." I muttered to myself as I looked over the reports sent in by our scouts. "Strangely enough. It's peaceful so far as well."

It seems like none of the scouts have reported much movement of any exos. Any that are there sure aren't going to be attacking us anytime soon. I thought stretching my arms and legs and giving out a groan.

Hmmmmm.....though that group that entered with Jihyo does seem entertaining. Maybe I should pay them a visit? I thought chuckling to myself. After all, I've got nothing to do right now. 

I glanced outside the window at the night sky.

"Well, all you stars keep shining don't you?" I muttered drumming my fingers on my desk. "I wonder if any of you are the same ones that shone on our ancestors all those years ago when they were dying during that war." 

I sat in silence for a few moments before rising to my feet.

"Nah. Who cares about questions like that? The stars won't answer anyway. They never bothered to pay attention in class so they never learned how to speak." I said putting on my cloak. "Time to go pay a few girls a visit."

I walked out of my office and towards the elevator. 

A few minutes later

I knocked on the door for the 15th time but still no one answered. 

I mean....I know they're sleeping but this is ridiculous. I thought scavengers were supposed to be light sleepers. I thought preparing to knock again. 

I raised my arm up high and my right foot up a few inches but descending with the force of a thousand suns.

Unfortunately, I also chose that exact moment to slip on air and fall forward really fast.

"What the-?!" I exclaimed falling forward.

My fist came down at the exact moment the door opened.

"Hello?" A girl in a nightgown said yawning before widening her eyes.

She moved like one of those characters in an anime and dodged my fist before it could hit her chest.

"Woah!!!" I yelped and continued falling forward.

Before I could hit the ground, a pair of firm arms wrapped around me and stopped me from falling.

"Gotcha!" The nightgown girl said proudly.

"T-Thanks." I said blinking my eyes as I calmed down from the panic of falling forward a few moments before.

"You're welcome." She said.

Sudddenly, the lights turned on in the entrance and living room and I saw another girl wrapped in blankets with a sleepy look on her face besides the light switch. 

"Y/n?" She said rubbing her eyes before noticing me and the position me and the girl were in.

She glanced at me then at the girl holding me then back.

"Oh........what's going on?" The blanket girl asked frowning.


I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For this chapter anyway.

I can't guarantee that I'll update a lot but I'll try my best!! 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!!

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