Chapter 7

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Tzuyu carried me to her bed and told me to sleep there for the night.

"But what about you?" I asked. "I don't really need to sleep here."

"Y/n. You'd better do what I'm telling you to do while I'm asking nicely." Tzuyu said before looking away. "Also...."

"Iamworriedaboutyou." She mumbled really fast.

I frowned. 

"Okayyyy...I didn't really hear it but if it's that important to you. I'll just sleep here." I said and went underneath the covers.

Tzuyu came in after a few seconds. 

I was about to turn to face her but she hesitantly grabbed my shoulders.

"What is it?" I asked.

After a while, Jeongyeon suddenly said, "She wants to be the big spoon."

We both yelped in surprise and turned around to see Jeongyeon sitting at the foot of the bed and looking at us cockily.

"How long have you been there?" I asked.

"A few seconds actually. But Tzuyu here didn't notice." She said poking Tzuyu's leg.

Tzuyu looked at her in annoyance and kicked her off the bed.

"Sorry. But this bed is only for either me or Y/n." Tzuyu said.

"Ugh. Fine, you grump." Jeongyeon grumbled and leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight kiss." She said and walked to her bed and collapsed on it.

"What was that for? You never did that to me before." I said frowning at her.

"Just go to sleep." Jeongyeon said.

Ugh. Whatever. I thought and turned around.

I was about to go to sleep when I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer.

"Don't talk. Just go to sleep." Tzuyu whispered before I said anything.

I nodded and snuggled back into her.

Her heart is beating fast. I thought. Is she healthy?

I shrugged mentally and went to sleep.

The Next Morning

I woke up groggily.

Tzuyu's arms were still wrapped around me though they had somehow gone up in our sleep and her hands were on my chest.

"What the-?" I muttered. "Pervert."

I turned my head to look at her and my breath got caught in my throat.

Tzuyu's face was just a few centimeters away from mine and I could see all of her features up close.

I looked at her tanned skin before studying the rest of her face. My eyes looked at her delicate eyelashes then her perfect nose before moving to her full lips. 

I shook my head and lightly slapped myself.

"No. Stop it Y/n. Don't perv over your own friend." I said.

Tzuyu suddenly snuggled her face into the back of my neck and drew me closer to her.

Oh...uhm....okay? I thought before putting my head down on the pillow. Maybe for a few more minutes.

Suddenly, I heard a faint stomping sound outside the house and then a whirring sound.

I frowned before craning my head at the door.

The bed suddenly rocked as a huge explosion happened outside.

Tzuyu and the others in the room were instantly awake.

"W-What's going on?!" Chaeyoung said stumbling towards the door.

Tzuyu got up too and helped me up.

"Hey Chaeng! What is it?" Jeongyeon asked.

Chaeyoung suddenly ran towards us.

"Go! RUN!!" She shouted before we were all blown backwards by an explosion.

We slammed into the wall and fell to the ground.

I groaned and got up slowly.

I examined my wound and peeled off the bandage-like object.

The wound was completely healed.

Though, I think I might have broken something. I thought holding my back. Ugh. My back.

I looked through the door and my eyes widened.

There was no door or wall anymore.

There was a large exosaur standing there instead.

It stood on two large legs and had two short arms that ended in large cannons. Easily, over 8 meters tall, 18 meters long, and 3 meters wide. 

There were also two large cannons located on each of its sides as well as four smaller cannons mounted on its head.

Its long tail ended in a spike and stirred the sand as it whipped back and forth.

Its face was long and cylinder-like with one large eye searching the remains of the house.

I heard another whirring sound and it blasted the walls of the garage with its arm cannons.

The walls were completely blown apart and it exposed the Buggy.

"Woah! I've never seen one that big." Chaeyoung said running up to me.

"That is huge." Jeongyeon said.

"Where's Jihyo and Ran?" Tzuyu asked.

I looked around and saw Jihyo sprinting towards the exosaur.

It made a large roaring sound and fired at Jihyo with its head cannnons.

They peppered the ground with energy blasts but Jihyo skillfully dodged all of them before bringing out her knife.

It glowed orange before she leaped up and actually slashed one of the cannons on its head off.

The exosaur roared and leaped backwards.

It charged its large cannons and fired its arm and side cannons at Jihyo.

Jihyo leaped to the side and went flying a distance away from the huge explosion at the place where the cannon blasts hit.

"Get the exo pistols!!" Jeongyeon yelled and scrambled into the room.

I ran out and looked at the stairs.

There were a few steps but most of it was gone.

I heard blasts and saw Ran shooting fearlessly at the exosaur's eye.

It shook its head and roared as Ran continued shooting.

"Get out of here!! And stop destroying my house!!!" She yelled and leaped out of the way as the exosaur blasted its cannons at her.

I gulped and looked at the stairs.

I grabbed the still intact railing and slid down it to the first floor.

"Ran!" I yelled.

"Took you long enough!!" She shouted and threw my exo pistol at me.

I pumped up the energy pack and held up the pistol.

It became fully charged and me and Ran stepped out in front of the exosaur.

"Time to die." We said to it as it roared at us.


So a new chapter. How is the story so far?

And the adventure just took a turn as this exosaur appears.

See you next chapter!!!

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